Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Morning....Feb 15th

Friends and Family,

Hope you have all had a good weekend and didnt forget to send your "sweetie" a Valentine's Day card yesterday? My weekend has been OK, quietly spent at the beach with a special treat of having Moma and Daddy and Uncle Gordon coming and having dinner with us. It was great.

On the health front tho, things still aren't quite as good as I was hoping they would be. Phone convo's with the doc's office have left me with instructions to see if the meds are going to work. Well, they aint working yet !! If you would set your clock to go off about every 15 minutes for you to go pee, no matter where you are or what you are doing during your awake time and then set it for every 60-75 minutes of your sleep time, to get up and go pee....each time with little more than a dribble.....YOU WOULD KNOW HOW I FEEL ! It has been awful. I am not in any severe pain, though it is uncomfortable. We, me and the docs, are stumped about it. My urine culture shows no bacteria so it remains a mystery. I say all this, not to foster any pity or sympathy but to let others who may have this particular post surgery condition, I can relate!
I have an appointment of Tuesday to see Doc Polsky and hopefully we can find some kind of solution to this problem. You know how I love to "self-diagnose". I have thought of diet, meds interacting and even wondering if tub baths may have caused something to remains a mystery? One thing I do know for sure......God has already figured it out and when He is good and ready, he'll let me know and it'll all be OK again. In the mean time, I will celebrate that I am cancer free and I am in a much better place than I was 3 months ago! WoooHooo!!

Time to go for now..gotta pee again. Thank you for your prayers, I love you ALL.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Thinking about you Mike....hope the doctor appointment tomorrow goes well - keep us updated. XOXO

p.s. - we're on the lookout for your 25 Random Facts list! :o)