Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Good News.....

Friends and Family,

Happy July and summer to ALL. Yes, I know it has been a long time since my last entry. Life got crazy a few weeks ago, Daddy had open-heart surgery, triple by-pass. It was a very physically and emotionally draining experience but all is well now. I didn't get much sleep for 3-4 days but ALL has turned out well, Daddy is doing good right now and I am doing just fine too. First of all, I am less than a week from celebrating 8 months cancer free and yesterday got my lab report that my blood test showed my PSA level as NOT DETECTABLE. GOD IS GOOD ! Prostate cancer can and does masticize into cancer in other parts and organs in the body not me! Not today. No signs that any little cancer cells escaped from the prostate and my system is clean of any cancer cells.

Just as the doc has promised, life is slowly getting back to normal. I am working regularly, playing golf regularly (though badly), work in my yard, have ridden a jet ski for the first time in my life and look forward to a good month with weekends at the beach.

Life does exist after prostate cancer and that message cannot be overstated. Too many men opt to do nothing for fear the cure is worse than the disease. It is my prayer that all men 50 years or older or with a family history of P.C. will get checked TODAY !

Again, I apologize for not updating my blog earlier. I will confess that when life is going OK and things are so busy, it is easy to allow my blog to slip down the priority list. I read it often and remember the bad days in the months past but also see the miracles and blessings of ALL OF YOU, your love and prayers. Thank you so very much and......

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me