Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 years !

November 11, 2010.......tomorrow will be two years I can say I am cancer free! GOD is GOOD. It has been an incredible journey with many ups and downs this past year but I sit here today a very happy and healthy 57 year old man. I have celebrated another birthday, a wedding anniversary and most recently the birth of my 5th grandchild, Katelynn Renee. Last week ALL the Raynor boys got together for the annual fishing trip, it was awesome.

Several men have crossed my path over the past year, Prostate Cancer having become a part of their lives. After hearing their stories I learn all over again how very blessed I am. People ask how I am doing and my pat response is : "I am not 100% but I can see it from where I am". I work regularly (although some may disagree on this), play golf (not often enuf), have been zip-lining and scuba diving in September, walk 12-15 miles a week and have even taken up tennis on occassion. ALL the parts seem to work OK for now and my last scan showed "undetectable" on my P.S.A. levels.

My story is the exception I think, so many others have very different stories. I was fortunate to have been detected early and so blessed to have a great staff of Docs and medical professionals working with me. Dr Polsky - He's da man! are so good and so patient and so kind and I know you will only get better. Two of the angel that made this journey a little less rocky!

So, guess I will come back again next year to fill you in. Till then, I remain thankful, I take the little blue pills like the doc said do for another year (studies now show it takes up to 3 years for complete nerve rehabilitation) and live my life out loud soaking in ALL the joys it has to offer.

MEN....GET YOUR EXAMS !!! Families....make them get their exams, if not for themselves, tell them to do it for YOU !

Love to ALL.... Thank You Lord for YOUR Blessings on Me. MR