Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 years !

November 11, 2010.......tomorrow will be two years I can say I am cancer free! GOD is GOOD. It has been an incredible journey with many ups and downs this past year but I sit here today a very happy and healthy 57 year old man. I have celebrated another birthday, a wedding anniversary and most recently the birth of my 5th grandchild, Katelynn Renee. Last week ALL the Raynor boys got together for the annual fishing trip, it was awesome.

Several men have crossed my path over the past year, Prostate Cancer having become a part of their lives. After hearing their stories I learn all over again how very blessed I am. People ask how I am doing and my pat response is : "I am not 100% but I can see it from where I am". I work regularly (although some may disagree on this), play golf (not often enuf), have been zip-lining and scuba diving in September, walk 12-15 miles a week and have even taken up tennis on occassion. ALL the parts seem to work OK for now and my last scan showed "undetectable" on my P.S.A. levels.

My story is the exception I think, so many others have very different stories. I was fortunate to have been detected early and so blessed to have a great staff of Docs and medical professionals working with me. Dr Polsky - He's da man! are so good and so patient and so kind and I know you will only get better. Two of the angel that made this journey a little less rocky!

So, guess I will come back again next year to fill you in. Till then, I remain thankful, I take the little blue pills like the doc said do for another year (studies now show it takes up to 3 years for complete nerve rehabilitation) and live my life out loud soaking in ALL the joys it has to offer.

MEN....GET YOUR EXAMS !!! Families....make them get their exams, if not for themselves, tell them to do it for YOU !

Love to ALL.... Thank You Lord for YOUR Blessings on Me. MR

Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year

Friends and Family,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! WoW, what a year it has been too. I continue to be asked "how are you"? I can only say "I am not quite 100% but I can see 100% from where I am". That being said, last night was a new event in my life. I dreamed I was peeing and sure enough when I woke, I had in fact peed in the bed! Needless to say I was disturbed and didn't sleep much the rest of the night. I have an appointment with Doc Polsky next Monday and we will "chat" about that little issue then. I am suspecting it will fall within the bounds of "a reasonable expectation". Anyway, I am not going to fret about it for now and am hopeful it is a one time incident.

Spent alot of time traveling over this past week and a half with no issues. I did cath myself once with no problems. The frequency of trips to the bathroom remain a concern and when the light turns green, it definitely means it's time to go! So far as erectile function is concerned, I think it continues to move slowly in the right direction (no pun intended) and again, I remain hopeful and confident it to will return to normal for a man my age.

Yes, the journey continues. I suppose it always will be a continuing process. I know I am blessed and am NOT one of the 20,000+ men who lost their battle with prostate cancer this year, my family is not one of 20,000+ who mourn the loss of a loved one. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE know your scores guys, get checked if you are 50 years old or have a family history.

It is my prayer that 2010 will bring each and every one or you and your families health and prosperity. May it bring us closer as a global community to improvements in detection and treatment of prostate cancer and ALL other forms of cancer that take many lives every day.

Thank you for your prayers and love......thank you Lord for Your blessings on me.

Happy New Year, Mike

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One Year Cancer Free


Hope all is well with you and yours. The seasons have changed since I last posted on here and we are looking forward to the Holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Today is just another block on the calendar page for many. For me, it is more important than my birthday, or anniversary or any other special event that has been a part of my journey for 56+ years. Today I celebrate being cancer free for one year. One year ago, right now, I was in surgery, the first steps of a journey that I could not have imagined. Friends (like family) were there with me, encouraging me, praying for me, reassuring me that all would be well ~ they were right. Remembering it all now brings me to tears but they are good tears, it was a time that God showed his love and his mercy and his face to me in so many ways, with so many people. I have re-read this blog a few times and I would encourage you who have walked with me this past year to read it again too. What a great testimony to the power of God. I will not revisit it all on here, I just want you to know what is happening in my life one year later.......... last week I was at the coast with my children and grandchildren fishing. There were no catheters or bathroom runs every 15 minutes like last year. It was great. I didn't catch the biggest nor the most fish but I was there! Life has not been perfect for the past year but IT HAS BEEN !!! Everyday another man is diagnosed with prostate cancer, another man dies from this cancer, another family is devastated. I am blessed, I am one of the "good" statistics. It is time on this journey to say some thank yous. As I read through this blog, that was the one thing I seemed to overlook the most. First of all, I thank GOD for his blessings on me. God has shown up and showed off in so many ways. My family, Brenda did things I would have never guessed she was capable of, perhaps things she never dreamed she was capable of. As much as she loves her sleeep, she spent many a sleepless night to honor her vows, keep her committments and provide the care I needed when I needed it. My sons and their families. They spent Thanksgiving last year in the hospital with me, all of them. Their love and support have meant so much. Moma and Daddy, both dealing with their own medical issues, praying for me everyday, calling often and of course, doing what parents do best, worry about their babies. My brother Dean and wife Rita. They too were miles away in Texas but never failed to call and offer their support and love. Caught in the middle with his Daddy and his brother both in the hospital, Dean did what he thought was best for us all and held our family together when it looked like we were all gonna crumble. My "Florida" family of inlaws who kept the phone lines busy and stood ready to come if asked to do whatever it would have taken to make things better. For my friends, friends like family who were there to feed me ice chips, help in the house when I was weak, keep me company in the hospital, take care of our house, take care of my wife, do the things that only a true friend would do. Dr. Stewart Polsky, the man who literally saved my life. The one thing I asked of him in the beginning was if he would be with me through the whole process. He said he would be my guy through it all.....he was! He dealt with dozen of questions, multiple visits before and after surgery and even understood the tears when it seemed things were almost more than we could bear. He said there would come a better time...that time has arrived. Nicole, Doc's "Gal Friday" who was there for every visit and became not only my primary care giver and doc's assistant for all those visits but she is a person I have come to call my friend. I suspect there are others who have given, some I can't remember, others who never wanted me to know. All I can say now is THANK YOU.

Doctors and medicine are wonderful and powerful things. The support of family and friends is immeasurable. The power of faith and prayer is endless. The belief that you will be OK, you will be a survivor, you are on this earth for a reason and an attitude that always sees the glass half full, these are the things that in my opinion make the difference.

Prostate cancer is not a dead end, it is a detour. I have been on a detour for a year but I can see the main road again. I still have to cath myself each week, I still take medicines but I see a road ahead, not perfectly straight or without curves or potholes, but a road that leads to a much better place.

Brothers, get yourselves checked, know your scores, know your body, arm yourself with knowledge of this disease. Prepare yourself for battle and go into it with the attitude that defeat is not an options. Embrace your family and friends and even more, let them embrace you. Believe that God created you for a reason, a special purpose. Don't be afraid to cry, don't be afraid to laugh. Don't try to predict the future, look forward to it and wake every day in the awareness that you can make a difference in this world.

I will keep this blog active, I will continue to post from time to time. I will pass along those special moments. If you know of a friend, have a family member who has prostate cancer, tell them about this blog, tell them to call or write me. I love telling my story, our story.


"Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me"

Mike Raynor

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October -- More Good News

Friends and Family,

Hello. Hope all is well in your worlds. Mine is good, real good actually. Went for my normal checkup with the doc this week. I was not expecting to have the "scope" again but Nicole told me with a smile the just wanted to "look around" and make sure everything was OK. (Not a bad idea considering all that I have been through) I was pretty uneventful, I know the drill and there was not discomfort at all. Bottom line: it ALL looks pretty good. Remember, I am still cathing myself 2-3 times a week and believe with all my heart that is what is keeping things open and working great. I asked Doc if that would be something I would have to do for the rest of my life and he said absolutely not. For me, it is a small price to pay and if I do have too for the rest of my life, it's no big deal anymore! But the really good news: blood test results came back and my P.S.A. count was .01, or as they say, UNDECTECTABLE !! WooHoo, God is so good to me. This was my fourth test since surgery and all is well. I had on my own let my script for Viagra go unfilled. In my opinion, I didn't think I needed it. I told Doc and we discussed the benefits of Viagra with regard to nerve regeneration. There have been so significant side-effects and fortunately the insurance company does pay a significant portion of the cost so......I am back on the pill! Bottom line can only help and will not harm me to continue.

All this is great news for me and my family, the same is not true for many others. I spoke with a man yesterday who had a P.S.A score of 44+ and Gleason scores from his biopsy of 7's. His doc gave him but one option, radical prostetectomy and a 25% chance of a cure. If the surgery failed he was told he would have about 6 years. That breaks my heart. This brother is 5 years younger than me. I hope I can be there for him and his family. I know what my story and my situation is/was but that is no guarantee it will be the same for everyone. My mission is to tell my story, spread the word about Prostate Cancer preventions, treatments and cures. You have seen the banner on the home page of my blog, you can see the statistics. PLEASE do not believe "it won't happen to me" because it CAN HAPPEN TO YOU!! Get regular physicals, have your blood tested/screen for P.S.A. and if symptoms present themselves, GET TO THE DOC NOW !

I know I sound preachy but that's OK. I have two sons and two grandsons who now have a family history of prostate cancer. You can count of them hearing alot of my "preaching" as long as there is breath in me!

I love you ALL and thank you for loving me through this time in my life, I could have never made it without the love of my family and friends and.....


Friday, September 25, 2009

The Calendar says Sept., the temps say July!

Friends and Family,

Good Friday Morning to all. It is the end of another work week and I hope all is well in your worlds. I am blessed to be able to say "work week". It has been unusually warm this week but I know Fall and Winter are just around the corner. Wednesday was a special day, a day I will always remember was one year since my diagnosis! I took the time to read the entries from the first few weeks of this blog, yes....I cried again reliving that time in my life. The same day, this past Wednesday, I visited a friend who's step mother had died of cancer. I could not help but ask again, "why me Lord?" Why was I spared while others are not. I probably wouldn't understand the answer anyway.

The end of PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS WEEK is here. I can say I have not heard a word on TV or radio about it. Nearly 2000 men die each month! For me, that is news worthy! I have worn my blue ribbon proudly this week but will confess too I have not talked to anyone about P.C. awareness outside my circle of friends.

So, a year ago I became a household name to many of you. As the news of my diagnosis spread, God began to hear my name on a regular basis being lifted up by people like you. To say "thanks" seems so inadequate but it is the best I can do right now. I love you all and thank you for loving and caring about me......most of all....


Friday, September 18, 2009

Prostate Cancer Awareness Week

Friends and Family,

Hello again, and greetings from a happy, healthy and recovering cancer free man. It has been almost a year since my diagnosis and coincidentally next week is Prostate Cancer Awareness Week. I would consider it a personal favor if every man friend of mine, over age 50, who has not had his physical and had his P.S.A. checked in a year....MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO GET IT DONE!!
And, if ya don't want to do it for me, do it for your family. OK! Sermon is over.

Things continue to go well and improve. Leakage has all but become a non-issue for me. When I get very tired or hear a really funny joke, it may happen but I can feel it coming on and usually head it off. This past week I (on my own) stopped taking viagra in hopes of being able to resume some kind of normal function without drugs. It is certainly too soon to tell but I remain hopeful that the nerve regeneration processes will continue without medications. I see the doc in about 3 weeks and we will have more discussion about that I am sure.

With the anniversary of my diagnosis and surgery approaching (Sept 23 and Nov 12), I took time to re-read parts of my blog. Once again I am reminded of how very blessed I am. Thank you all for your love and support and....Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Septmeber 1st

Friends and Family,

I hope life continues to treat you well. I am blessed and know it is because people like you have not forgotten me and believe it or not, even tho I don't write as much as I used too, I have not fogotten you either. It has been a very busy summer, Daddy has had two surgeries in 8 weeks but is home and on the mend now. One of the good things that happened (and there were lots) during our many visits to Greenville, NC and the East Carolina Heart Institute was stumbling across a pharmacy/medical supply business that had on hand, over the counter disposable catheters. I had searched online and found one supplier, Allegro Medical, who displayed one just like the doc had given me in their online catalog. After nearly two week from my order date I called to check the status and was told that item was discontinued. Not a very good experience and you know how I feel about customer service. Allegro Medical is not likely to get any business from me nor any recommendations. So, back to the one I found in was called Healthwise. They had boxes of catheters on the shelf, no prescription necessary and 60% - 80% cheaper than any I had found online. I am going home with two boxes (60 catheters). And...since flying back and forth and having to deal with the TSA guidelines pertaining to fluid container restrictions, I needed to find some kind of sterile lubricant in packaging less than 3 oz. Hit the jackpot again, got foil packets with 1/2 oz at Healthwise.....a gross in one box for $18. I am going home all stocked up! I am cathing every other day and everything seems to be working fine for now. I do have the occasional tenderness after cathing but it is short term and I do not treat it with anything other than time. I go back to the doc next month for my routine check up and am hopeful we can reduce the dosage of viagra. Erectile function has improved, not back to pre-surgery status but much improved over the past month or so. If that is something I have to take for the rest of my "active" life, it will be a small price to pay but my goal is to be "prescription free". I don't like taking medicine and want to get off all that I can. Dont get me wrong, I am so very thankful for doctors and medicine but just want to take as little of it as possible!

So, enjoy what is left of our summer, I plan too. If anyone needs more info on my new friend, Healthwise Pharmacy, please let me know, I would love to share. Thank you for your continued love and support and prayers and Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.
