Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Friends and Family,

Happy Memorial Day to ALL. First of all I will take this opportunity to thank ALL the men and women who serve and have served our nation, many giving up their futures to insure that we have a future. Thank you ALL and may God bless you.

Me, I am doing well. Things are working very well I think and I am gaining more and more bladder control everyday. Yesterday I did not leave the beach soon enough to make it home in time to use the bathroom, it was the first episode in a long, long time. Why you ask did I not just go in the water.....I had twice before but did not want to get wet again at this time of the day....that didn't exactly work out for me either. I know I need to continue doing my kagel exercises and am certain that too will help with my control.

Erectile function has seemed to have plateaued....if that is even a medical condition? I may need to increase the dosage of medications or may require other therapies. I suspect that will be a topic of discussion during the next doctor's visit!

I have missed yet another meeting of the Prostate Cancer Support Group in Mooresville. It seems that something always comes up the last week of the month for me. I support it 100% and regret that I have not made a meeting since my first one. I encourage everyone dealing with prostate cancer, patients and families to find and participate in a support group. Check with your doctor for information about possible groups in your area.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please continue to pray for all those affected with cancer and all those who so faithfully care for those of us with cancer or in recovery.

I just spoke with two friends this weekend who cannot recall when they had their PSA checked. All I can say is DO IT members...naggin' til they go !

I love you all and thank you for loving me..... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Day in Paradise !

Friends and Family,

Happy Sunday to you all. I trust you have had a good weekend and a good Lord's day. My week has been busy but thankfully ALL has been well. I have had no issues this week, everything seems to be working properly and I have every expectation that it will continue on track. Work was hard and hot this week and my output was less than what I call usual now but I was doing some sweating this week and feel that adequate hydration will avoid any potential retention issues for me.....that's the way I'm gonna treat it anyway.

Spoke with a friend this week and learned of a procedure he is having in a few days called TUMT. It is the acronym for Trans Urethral Microwave Therapy. It was a quick find on the internet and you might check it out for yourself. My Reader's Digest version is that it allows an intrument to be placed in the urethra (catheter) and emits microwaves that essentially burn away part of the prostate reaching temps of about 111 degrees. This is not a treatment for cancer but more to remedy the symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia), enlarged prostate.
Let's all pray the procedure goes well.

I was able to attend the wedding of Daniel and Shelley Black (formerly Swaringen) yesterday. It is good to see young people, so in love and so excited about making their place in the world.

There are many who are sick and hurting, homeless and helpless, poor in spirit and means. God loves us ALL and doesn't miss a thing that happens to us. If you are one of those who feels alone or hurt or hopeless.....remember, as I have many times over these past 6 months the words of Paul in I Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness".

I pray that each of you experience the Grace of healing and peace and renewal today and everyday. Thank you for your continued love and prayers, please don't stop for me and for others who battle this disease and it's consequences every day. Pray for the doctors and nurses who stand with us in these battles. Pray for the families and caregivers of those with cancer. Each of you who have read and continue to read my story, you are like family to me...I love you ALL, I thank you ALL and.....

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Bump in the Road

Friends and Family,

Yesterday was a good day, good in the sense that I celebrated all day my 6th month of being cancer free. Thanks be to GOD for all He has done in my life and continues to do.

So, a bump in the road you ask? Yea, 'fraid so.....yesterday morning I began to feel an all too familiar sensation and my stream when trying to pee was significantly less than the past couple of weeks. Per the doc's instructions, I did cath myself on Monday night (my once a week routine) and I did bleed some. My feeling is that I irritated the most recent surgery site, caused some bleeding and scabbing and created an obstruction AGAIN ! I had to leave work in the morning to come home and cath and called the doc when I still hadn't peed on my own after 3 hours. He suggested too that I may have irritated my urethra and I should NOT cath for a few days. I went on the offensive again and did cath myself one more time after dinner and drank and drank and drank water til after 10:00 last night, popped one of those pills that makes your pee turn a beautiful shade of blue or green and after getting up every hour or so through the night, things seem to be pretty much back to normal again this morning. YEA!...... God is so good.

Hardly a day goes by that I don't hear of or speak to someone who has prostate issues. I encourage every man 50 years old or with a family history.....GET YOUR PROSTATE CHECKED NOW ! If you won't do it for YOU, do it for your family. Nearly 30,ooo husbands, brothers, sons, uncles, friends, neighbors will die this year with prostate cancer. Please don't be one of them!

Thank you for your prayers. Talked with a brother last night and we agreed that no medicine is as powerful or effective as prayer.....and it doesn't have a co-pay!

I Love You ALL .............. Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me MR

Monday, May 11, 2009

The First Six Months

Friends and Family,

Actually, tomorrow will be the 6th month anniversary of my surgery and cancer free life but this morning was kinda special for me too. You see, I have been doing my kagel exercises regularly and doing the "start-stop" exercise when I have to pee and last night I went to bed WITHOUT a pad. It was the first time since November 12th last year that I did not go to bed with either a catheter or a pad. I got up once in the night to go and woke at the usual time this morning and all was well. I don't think I will risk working today without some protection but I am excited that I can go to bed and sleep through the night without leaking or wetting myself.

Again, this blog has become more of a journal about how life is getting back to normal than it is dealing with the treatment and recovery of Prostate Cancer. This is a place I prayed for and always hoped I would be and am so very thankful God has blessed me so much.

Am I 100% now....NOPE ! but I am on the way I think. There are still hurdles to go over and I am still on the journey. I talk to brothers who are dealing with prostate issues, met one last week in the doc's office. I encourage every man my age to GET TESTED....KNOW YOUR PSA COUNT! The lack of knowledge about our bodies, men and women, is our greatest weakness in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. I won't get "preachy" but feel very strongly about this subject.

I have been on the increased dose of Viagra for a week now and see no significant difference in erectile function, however, I am confident that too will get better. The doc tells me I am only a few months out of surgery and doing VERY well. There is every reason to believe normal erectile function can and will return.

I would like to say a belated "Happy Mother's Day" to all the mothers who read this. The mothers whose sons have taken this journey with me, the mothers whose husbands travel this road too. The mothers who are nurses who have taken such good care of me and others with all kinds of health issues, the mothers who pray every day for their loved ones......and for My Mother. Moma prayed for me every day and I suspect still does. Hearing her voice regularly with reassurances and "I love you" 's was the best medicine I could get. Thank you Moma for being the best Moma ever! I love you too.

It is a rainy Monday, hope we get to work today sometime...guess we'll see? Thank you all for your love and prayers, your support and friendship.....I love you ALL.

and.......Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Week In "The Holler"

Family and Friends,

...or should I say "The Hollow" as in Quail Hollow as in The Quail Hollow Championship ? Yes, I was one of the lucky 2600 volunteers for the QHC and it was a ball. Best part of it was that I got to share it all with my brother Dean from Texas, my son Patrick and ("my brotha from anotha mutha") my good friend James from Dallas. Got to spend some good time there and got in a few rounds of golf this week too. I am not here to bore you with details of my vacation week but to emphasize that life does go on after Prostate Cancer. It was not a perfect week for me but I did manage to do everything I needed and wanted to do. When the urge to pee came on I made an immediate plan for someone to take my assignment and got to a restroom. I did not have an accident all week. I did see Doc Polsky on Monday and everything is going just fine for now. I was cathing every day and now I can cut back to once per week. That is great news. I am changing the dose of Viagra too....I will take 1/2 to 1/3 of a pill everyday except twice a week take the full pill (100mg). I am in the process of getting off of the vesicare and the colchicine. I don't like taking pills but realize too that it is a part of the process and takes time to work through. I am working this week and really feel that things are getting back to normal for me...GOD IS SO GOOD. I know most of this posting is about things other than prostate cancer but sometimes it is important to let you know that life is going on, is getting back to some sense of normal and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting a little bit brighter each day.

Thank you for continuing to pray for me and for all those that are fighting this battle. Remember their families and support systems.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me....... Mike