Friday, August 14, 2009

9 Months


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening. Happy Anniversary to ME ! Yep, just passed the 9 month mark being cancer free...GOD IS SO GOOD. Life continues to improve and things are getting back to some degree of normal. I am cathing every other day now and it seems to be keeping things "flowing" well. Found a web site that will allow me to purchase the same kind of catheters I use so I can have a supply on hand. I treat it (my cath kit) much like my American Express card...I don't leave home without it! It works, it keeps me out of the docs office and is really no big deal anymore. As far as erectile function...I think it is improving too. My last visit to the doc he asked and I told him it requires manipulation as opposed to the "normal" reaction associated with arrousal. Is kinda difficult to explain but that is as delicately as I can say it and .....the doc says, it is to be expected and things are progressing just fine. Full erectile function, if totally restored, could take in excess of 18 months! Once again, life is good and I feel blessed to be where I am in the process. If any brothers or families need info re: ordering catheters for home use, I will be glad to share what I have found with you. The internet is a great source for finding almost anything you need or want.

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers...I love you all and know you love me. Most of all..... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me !!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer is almost over..... :-(

Friends and Family,

Yes, July has come and gone and the end of summer is well in sight. Summer has been good tho', and I have learned how good life is.

I am doing well these day. When people ask how I am, I usually respond by telling them I am not 100% yet but I can see 100% from where I am! I still cath myself every other day and that is working well. All things considered, I'm just an ordinary guy who survived prostate cancer and has a pretty good life. That said, I thot I would use this posting to list some of the things I can and have done since my treatments/surgeries.....just so other men and their families know that life can and does go on after P.C.

Though I did have a catheter for 6 weeks, I don't have one now.
I can play golf most anytime I want too. (and is most always pretty ugly!)
I can fish with my children and grandchildren at the beach.
I can lay on the beach, have a beer and look like just another fat guy enjoying himself.
I can play with my grand-daughters and a can of silly string.
I can get up at 4:00am to go fishing with my boys.
I can still do the "hula-hoop" on my Wii (up to almost 2000)
I can work everyday in the heat and sun. (altho I dont like too so much)
I can go to the pool with my dear friend and her children and play for an afternoon.
I can attend church, lead Sunday School class and sing in the choir.
I can fly to Texas and spend a weekend with my brother and his wife floating in their pool.
I mow my yard (and weed-eat and trim the sidewalks and driveways)
I can go to the grocery store.
I can take my parents to the doctor.
I can be the designated "hushpuppy and french fry cooker" for a fish fry at the boss's house.
I can kneel and pray.
I can build a bird feeder for my yard.

Friends, there is not much if anything I CAN'T do now, eight months after my surgery for cancer. I know I am blessed and there are those who are not able to include some of the things I have above on their "can do" lists. It didn't all come in a day, or a week, or a month...and somethings are still finding their way back to normal. My point in saying this here and now is to let ALL my brothers and their families know that a little gland the size of a walnut is NOT your brain nor your heart nor your soul. You can be the same man and husband and father and person you were before your diagnosis and treatment. Set your own goals, plot your own course. Don't "what if" yourself into settling for less than you can be. God created every one of us uniquely different to fulfill a special purpose. Our job is to keep climbing the mountains in life...God will let us know when we need to stop!

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me MR