Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Bump in the Road

Friends and Family,

Yesterday was a good day, good in the sense that I celebrated all day my 6th month of being cancer free. Thanks be to GOD for all He has done in my life and continues to do.

So, a bump in the road you ask? Yea, 'fraid so.....yesterday morning I began to feel an all too familiar sensation and my stream when trying to pee was significantly less than the past couple of weeks. Per the doc's instructions, I did cath myself on Monday night (my once a week routine) and I did bleed some. My feeling is that I irritated the most recent surgery site, caused some bleeding and scabbing and created an obstruction AGAIN ! I had to leave work in the morning to come home and cath and called the doc when I still hadn't peed on my own after 3 hours. He suggested too that I may have irritated my urethra and I should NOT cath for a few days. I went on the offensive again and did cath myself one more time after dinner and drank and drank and drank water til after 10:00 last night, popped one of those pills that makes your pee turn a beautiful shade of blue or green and after getting up every hour or so through the night, things seem to be pretty much back to normal again this morning. YEA!...... God is so good.

Hardly a day goes by that I don't hear of or speak to someone who has prostate issues. I encourage every man 50 years old or with a family history.....GET YOUR PROSTATE CHECKED NOW ! If you won't do it for YOU, do it for your family. Nearly 30,ooo husbands, brothers, sons, uncles, friends, neighbors will die this year with prostate cancer. Please don't be one of them!

Thank you for your prayers. Talked with a brother last night and we agreed that no medicine is as powerful or effective as prayer.....and it doesn't have a co-pay!

I Love You ALL .............. Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me MR

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