Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There's no place like Home...Momma and Daddy's that is


Sending this update from the office in Momma and Daddy's home in Cedar Fork, near Beulaville, in Duplin County, North Carolina. Got in yesterday (flew in) and have had such a wonderful time visiting with them and many others in the community, I have decided to stay one more day. I am thinking it is a good thing as the wind is really bad today and flying was going to be an adventure.

I was a tiny bit concerned about how flying may affect me and if there would be any issues with leakage associated with the "ups and downs" of flying. I am happy to report..all's well on that front. I did rush off the plane to to the restroom but that is not so unusual these days.

I learned of a friend in town who has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and he is weighing his options and deciding what his treatment plan is going to be. Daddy made a call and we got a chance to get together face-to-face for some time and exchanged some information. I will be praying for Kenny to make the right choice and that he too will come out on the other side a "cancer free" man with a mission to tell others about his experiences.

Think some visits are planned tonight and I can hardly wait. Think I heard something about some fried chicken too?

Things are getting back to normal in my life, a place a longed for just a few short weeks ago. Every brother who faces this disease and treatment, every family member who will walk with them every step can believe that their IS life after prostate cancer. Educate yourself, believe in the doctors you chose and trust GOD to restore you.....IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE !

I Love You ALL.....and.... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on ME MR

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 the circle closes


Yes, the circle is closing, metaphorically speaking of course. I am almost back to where I started almost 3 months ago, EXCEPT THAT NOW I AM CANCER FREE. Saw Doc Polsky yesterday and he is very pleased with how I am doing, says I am "ahead of the curve". I can do anything that I feel able to do now....YEEE HAAA !! Means I can go back to work next week too. I am very excited about that (not as excited as Brenda). I continue to do my kagel (sp) exercises, about 200 a day and he increase the dosage of Viagra to 100 mg every other day. I should see an difference in my ability to produce and maintain an erection. That too remains to be seen. I see him again in 5 weeks and if there is no significant improvement, other options are available. We can talk about that later I reckon when I do some more research. Don't know if the average person knows but Viagra is a drug that is very expensive. I did not know if my insurance was going to cover the cost of it and many insurance companies, if they do cover it, will only allow for 3 to 6 pills to be distributed at one time. Well, when I asked the nice ladies at Walgreens to check it out for me, I can get 15 at one time, just as the doc wrote the script and my co-pay is $25. That my friends is less than the cost of one pill at normal retail prices( $30+).

God continue to work in many and mysterious ways in my life. I say that with a bit of surprise in my voice...when I am ever gonna get over that and realize that is not out of the ordinary for God, it is just what He does!

I'm off to see my Momma and Daddy today, flying in today and back home tomorrow. Haven't seen them in so long and this is a good time since the doc has said I have no limitations and I go back to work next week. I'm sure I will tell you all about that. I expect a ton of questions from my folks and friends back home ~ and I am more than happy to tell 'em how it is for me.

Thanks for your love and prayers and support. I told Preacher Rick yesterday, I have experience so much love from my family of friends in my church and community. I am humbled by it every day. Pray for our nations, pray for your friends, for the sick and hurting and the homeless and helpless. Pray for our children and for each other...please keep me in your prayers.
I love you ALL......


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yaaa! No more surgery (yet)


Yes, went to the doc of Friday and he said he wants to see if my hand will get better on it's on. There is some nerve damage and it does need to be corrected but sometimes the body can correct itself and that is our plan for now. Yes, it does still hurt, yes, my fingers are numb and tingly and yes, I still take percoset when it is bad. So, for now I am gonna try to keep from bending that arm unnecessarily and hope it will heal itself.

Was a good weekend with the grandchildren here. We played Wii for most of their waking hours too. I have a suspect one may appear at their home if they make many more visits here and are as in love with it as they were this weekend.

Tomorrow is back to doc Polsky. I hope he is gonna give me the thumbs up to go back to work. Spoke with Jerry on Saturday night and we are planning for me to get back on the job the Monday after Superbowl, think it is the 2nd? So, say a prayer tomorrow for things to go well and I will be sure to let everyone know what my status is.

Thanks for your love and prayers. I love you all so much and your prayers have made such a big difference in my life. And most of all...Thank You Lord For Your Blessings on Me.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Whew, finally got around to posting some pictures. I promised Sherri a long time ago. "Sam", I got pictures now! Yes, 58 days after surgery, I got to take a vacation. Truth is, this vacation was planned over a year ago and I had almost no input in it. That is not a complaint...Brenda and her family made it happen. It was a celebration of sorts. Mom and Dad Snow celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico surrounded by their children and grandchildren and about 2,000 others. So, what the heck could this possibly have to do with this blog and prostate cancer and recovery, etc., etc..... This is what......YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! Was I afraid, yes. Was my doctor concerned, yes. Was my family aware of what I as doing, yes. Did I have any days when I was not 100%, yes. The point I make here is that at some point you have to get back into life. I was anxious and fretted a bit about having issues while I was away from my home and my doctors and my country! I was not the picture of perfect health before I left but ya know what...I was no worse off for having made the trip. Truth be told, I think I may be a little better for it. So, don't be afraid to get back into life. Check with your docs, be smart, don't think you will wake up and be the person you were 3 or 4 or 6 months ago. For my brothers and friends...THERE IS LIFE AFTER PROSTATE CANCER AND TREATMENT. SURGERY DOES NOT MAKE YOU LESS OF A PERSON, BUT GIVES YOU A NEW PERSPECTIVE! OK, off my soapbox now. It was a great experience and you too should make plans. God has given us the miracle of it.

So, how am I feeling? Still tired. I have noticed some blood in my urine the past two days. It is not much and I have not experienced any pain and think it may have something to do with lifting. I feel pretty good and feel as though my strength is coming back every day but notice too when I lift, even a laundry basket, sometimes, hours later in the day, some traces of blood will show up. That will be a topic of discussion on Monday when I see the doc. Tomorrow is my appointment with the hand surgeon. I think it may be getting worse and I am hopeful we can arrive at a quick and "not so complicated" solution.

One thing I think I have begun to notice is that I am more cold natured now than before. I made the comment last night that I believe they got some wires crossed in surgery and B told me she thinks they re-wired my thermostat? In any case, I sleep in long pajamas and still get cold. Maybe I am just getting old???

I think I have done enough for today. It is a beautiful day, I may take a walk. I went to choir practice last night for the first time in months, it was so good.

It is my prayer that you too are having a good day. There is so much to be thankful for and even more to pray for. Pray for our children, for those who are hungry and homeless. Pray for the sick and hurting and for those who are challenged by caring for them. Pray for each other and tell someone that you love them. I love YOU ALL and feel so blessed to be able to call you friend. Thanks so much for continuing on this journey with me.... and most of all,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes, it does snow in Charlotte.


First of all, thanks for checking back in. I took some time off and had some vacation time. It was great, had a good time, felt pretty good most of the time and did get some much needed rest. Didn't take long to realize I am not 100% yet but am on the mend and confident things are on track for a complete recovery. I guess the most important point to make here is .... YES! You can take vacations, you can get away from home and there are bathrooms and rest areas and stores that sell the "things" you may need all over the world. I think one of the most important issues for me was in not being afraid to "push" myself at times but to also be willing to say "no" when it was something I just couldn't do or was not comfortable with.

I can say with confidence that I did not hurt myself or find myself in any situations that were not manageable. To my knowledge there were no clots nor blood in my urine. I still feel a bit sore when I stretch my torso but again, am confident that too will go away in time. Still have the hand issues and see the doc this week and am hopeful he/we will make a plan to fix that too.

So, thanks again for staying on this journey with me. I still get notes and calls from folks who are following this blog or sending it to a friend or loved one. It warms my heart everytime I learn of a new reader who is travelling the same road with me.

Oh yea, it does snow in Charlotte. After 12 winters in Ohio I do not get excited about snow. As I sit here at the table, listening to the television as history unfolds before the world, I see pretty red birds playing in the snow, and can't help but say again....."Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.

Have a wonderful day.....tell someone you love them.......I love YOU ALL.................... Mike

Friday, January 9, 2009

Another Friday...


For those of you working, congrats on making it thru another week. I suspect most everyone was on a Holiday hangover and getting past this week was a chore. I am taking a vacation next week so there will not likely be any posts here. It is a good time I think since the holidays for us was somewhat trying.

No new news here, things seem to be going well or at least as well as can be expected. I feel I have more control in handling urgency with each day. I have no leakages at night ~ that is HUGE I think. Now that I have been able to be more "mobile" (without that dang catheter) I think my skin condition has improved and I don't see as much scaling and dryness.

So, I hope to be able to report good news when I return. Honestly, I am a bit anxious as to what I will be able to do and if I will tire more quickly. I am hoping that being away and having a change of scenery will have a positive and healing effect?

Thank you all for supporting me, for reading this blog and for your good wishes, thoughts and prayers. Remember all those who are sick and hurting, the homeless and hopeless, the wonderful doctors and nurses and care-givers who take care of those who cannot take care of themselves.

Thanks for loving ME.....I LOVE YOU TOO ! God bless you ALL and most of all...

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just taking a break..


No, I haven't gone away, just took a short break. No real new to report til after my doctor appointments this week. Some good news and some not so good...

Doc Polsky, my surgeon, saw me on Monday this week. He was VERY pleased with my progress so far. I reported that control is getting better and my stream is strong. I continue to do my exercises and he is confident the leakage issue will lessen as time goes on. I had to "re-stock" my pads and for the first time in 55 1/2 years of life, I bought and paid for all by myself, PADS! I chose the brand "Poise" so I call em "Poise 4 Boys". It gets me thru.....Doc did think it was time to work on erectile issues. At this point I guess it is fair to say, I will be very frank and open with the information on here relative to my condition. My whole purpose for this blog is hoping others with prostate cancer and or families of a loved one with this diagnosis will see it, read it and understand they are not alone in the world and there is certainly life after cancer and surgery. I know everyone is different to some degree but everyone should have a chance to hear the stories of others who have travelled the road that may lie before one with a new diagnosis. That make sense? Hope goes. I was sent home with Viagra. The whole purpose and intent of this therapy is to regenerate or wake up the nerves that went to sleep because of the surgery trauma. While returning to a "pre-surgery" state would be a great blessing and in many ways a miracle to me, my hope and desire is to just get closer to that "old self" I once was. This medication is supposed to help with that. 50mg every other day for about two weeks and we will see where we are at that point. The plan is to increase the dosage to 100mg every other day until there is a complete restoration or we have gotten things as good as they are gonna get! Doc says this will not be something I will have to take for the rest of my life. (Whew) I'll keep you posted on that front. I have had some small new developement this week, passing some good sized blood clots when I pee. It didn't hurt or anything put a new feeling and a new sound from the toilet and I see what looked like a fingernail sized clot. Doc says it is normal and my system is still getting rid of some stuff. Whew.....

Went to see about my hand this week. Had the nerve conduction test on Tuesday afternoon. It is not a particularly painful procedure, just kinda different. Electrical current is sent through your body, in my case my arm, to see how the nerve conducts those electrical impulses. There is definitely some nerve damage, mild to moderate in his terms. He says it is not that uncommon and the "fix" for it is generally surgery, the moving of the nerve from the outside of my elbow to the inside of my arm so the movement of the elbow would not stretch and continue to irritate that nerve. I see a hand surgeon on the 23rd for a final determination.

So, all is well for now. It has stopped raining and maybe I can get out and have another walk today. In the meantime I have substituted Wii Golf and Bowling and call it therapy!

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers and love. It means more than you know or I have the words to say. Pray for yourselves and each other...tell someone close that you love them. I LOVE YOU ALL

"Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me"


Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3, 2009


Welcome to another new year! How many times will we write 2008 and immediately remember it was supposed to be a 9 at the end?

The new year arrived with no splendor at the Raynor Ranch. I was barely awake to see it come in and watch the ball drop. B was sound asleep and the grandchildren, Kenneth and Kassady-Lynn were asleep across the hall. New Year's Day Patrick and Dana joined us and we had the usual NYD fare: Fried Chicken, Black-eyed peas, Collards, Tater salad and cornbread. Yummy!

It has been a good few days physically. There was one fair size clot/scab that I passed but no signs of any blood now. The pad makes it easy to see if there is any blood and I am not seeing anything. I usually wake to a dry pad which is a good thing. I still have some issue during the day and it seems worse nearer the end of the day. I am confident that too will get better.
I go see Doc Polsky on Monday and I suspect he will prescribe Viagra/Cialis at that time. And, NO, it is not for the same things those guys on the TV commercials use it. The nerves that were moved or damaged during the surgery go to sleep. These medications supposedly "wake" those nerves up which facilitate urinary function as well as erectile function. Guess I will know exactly what it does soon enough?

Go on Tuesday for a nerve conduction test. That will be the first step in getting my hand back in shape. I hope to be able to go back to work with Jerry by Feb. 1st.

S'gonna be a great football weekend, hope your teams win (so long as they are not playing my team). Have a great weekend. Thank You for your continued prayers and support. Pray for all those who are sick and hurting...... I LOVE YOU ALL

"Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me"
