Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yaaa! No more surgery (yet)


Yes, went to the doc of Friday and he said he wants to see if my hand will get better on it's on. There is some nerve damage and it does need to be corrected but sometimes the body can correct itself and that is our plan for now. Yes, it does still hurt, yes, my fingers are numb and tingly and yes, I still take percoset when it is bad. So, for now I am gonna try to keep from bending that arm unnecessarily and hope it will heal itself.

Was a good weekend with the grandchildren here. We played Wii for most of their waking hours too. I have a suspect one may appear at their home if they make many more visits here and are as in love with it as they were this weekend.

Tomorrow is back to doc Polsky. I hope he is gonna give me the thumbs up to go back to work. Spoke with Jerry on Saturday night and we are planning for me to get back on the job the Monday after Superbowl, think it is the 2nd? So, say a prayer tomorrow for things to go well and I will be sure to let everyone know what my status is.

Thanks for your love and prayers. I love you all so much and your prayers have made such a big difference in my life. And most of all...Thank You Lord For Your Blessings on Me.


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