Tuesday, January 27, 2009

...as the circle closes


Yes, the circle is closing, metaphorically speaking of course. I am almost back to where I started almost 3 months ago, EXCEPT THAT NOW I AM CANCER FREE. Saw Doc Polsky yesterday and he is very pleased with how I am doing, says I am "ahead of the curve". I can do anything that I feel able to do now....YEEE HAAA !! Means I can go back to work next week too. I am very excited about that (not as excited as Brenda). I continue to do my kagel (sp) exercises, about 200 a day and he increase the dosage of Viagra to 100 mg every other day. I should see an difference in my ability to produce and maintain an erection. That too remains to be seen. I see him again in 5 weeks and if there is no significant improvement, other options are available. We can talk about that later I reckon when I do some more research. Don't know if the average person knows but Viagra is a drug that is very expensive. I did not know if my insurance was going to cover the cost of it and many insurance companies, if they do cover it, will only allow for 3 to 6 pills to be distributed at one time. Well, when I asked the nice ladies at Walgreens to check it out for me, I can get 15 at one time, just as the doc wrote the script and my co-pay is $25. That my friends is less than the cost of one pill at normal retail prices( $30+).

God continue to work in many and mysterious ways in my life. I say that with a bit of surprise in my voice...when I am ever gonna get over that and realize that is not out of the ordinary for God, it is just what He does!

I'm off to see my Momma and Daddy today, flying in today and back home tomorrow. Haven't seen them in so long and this is a good time since the doc has said I have no limitations and I go back to work next week. I'm sure I will tell you all about that. I expect a ton of questions from my folks and friends back home ~ and I am more than happy to tell 'em how it is for me.

Thanks for your love and prayers and support. I told Preacher Rick yesterday, I have experience so much love from my family of friends in my church and community. I am humbled by it every day. Pray for our nations, pray for your friends, for the sick and hurting and the homeless and helpless. Pray for our children and for each other...please keep me in your prayers.
I love you ALL......


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