Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year

Friends and Family,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! WoW, what a year it has been too. I continue to be asked "how are you"? I can only say "I am not quite 100% but I can see 100% from where I am". That being said, last night was a new event in my life. I dreamed I was peeing and sure enough when I woke, I had in fact peed in the bed! Needless to say I was disturbed and didn't sleep much the rest of the night. I have an appointment with Doc Polsky next Monday and we will "chat" about that little issue then. I am suspecting it will fall within the bounds of "a reasonable expectation". Anyway, I am not going to fret about it for now and am hopeful it is a one time incident.

Spent alot of time traveling over this past week and a half with no issues. I did cath myself once with no problems. The frequency of trips to the bathroom remain a concern and when the light turns green, it definitely means it's time to go! So far as erectile function is concerned, I think it continues to move slowly in the right direction (no pun intended) and again, I remain hopeful and confident it to will return to normal for a man my age.

Yes, the journey continues. I suppose it always will be a continuing process. I know I am blessed and am NOT one of the 20,000+ men who lost their battle with prostate cancer this year, my family is not one of 20,000+ who mourn the loss of a loved one. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE know your scores guys, get checked if you are 50 years old or have a family history.

It is my prayer that 2010 will bring each and every one or you and your families health and prosperity. May it bring us closer as a global community to improvements in detection and treatment of prostate cancer and ALL other forms of cancer that take many lives every day.

Thank you for your prayers and love......thank you Lord for Your blessings on me.

Happy New Year, Mike

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One Year Cancer Free


Hope all is well with you and yours. The seasons have changed since I last posted on here and we are looking forward to the Holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Today is just another block on the calendar page for many. For me, it is more important than my birthday, or anniversary or any other special event that has been a part of my journey for 56+ years. Today I celebrate being cancer free for one year. One year ago, right now, I was in surgery, the first steps of a journey that I could not have imagined. Friends (like family) were there with me, encouraging me, praying for me, reassuring me that all would be well ~ they were right. Remembering it all now brings me to tears but they are good tears, it was a time that God showed his love and his mercy and his face to me in so many ways, with so many people. I have re-read this blog a few times and I would encourage you who have walked with me this past year to read it again too. What a great testimony to the power of God. I will not revisit it all on here, I just want you to know what is happening in my life one year later.......... last week I was at the coast with my children and grandchildren fishing. There were no catheters or bathroom runs every 15 minutes like last year. It was great. I didn't catch the biggest nor the most fish but I was there! Life has not been perfect for the past year but IT HAS BEEN !!! Everyday another man is diagnosed with prostate cancer, another man dies from this cancer, another family is devastated. I am blessed, I am one of the "good" statistics. It is time on this journey to say some thank yous. As I read through this blog, that was the one thing I seemed to overlook the most. First of all, I thank GOD for his blessings on me. God has shown up and showed off in so many ways. My family, Brenda did things I would have never guessed she was capable of, perhaps things she never dreamed she was capable of. As much as she loves her sleeep, she spent many a sleepless night to honor her vows, keep her committments and provide the care I needed when I needed it. My sons and their families. They spent Thanksgiving last year in the hospital with me, all of them. Their love and support have meant so much. Moma and Daddy, both dealing with their own medical issues, praying for me everyday, calling often and of course, doing what parents do best, worry about their babies. My brother Dean and wife Rita. They too were miles away in Texas but never failed to call and offer their support and love. Caught in the middle with his Daddy and his brother both in the hospital, Dean did what he thought was best for us all and held our family together when it looked like we were all gonna crumble. My "Florida" family of inlaws who kept the phone lines busy and stood ready to come if asked to do whatever it would have taken to make things better. For my friends, friends like family who were there to feed me ice chips, help in the house when I was weak, keep me company in the hospital, take care of our house, take care of my wife, do the things that only a true friend would do. Dr. Stewart Polsky, the man who literally saved my life. The one thing I asked of him in the beginning was if he would be with me through the whole process. He said he would be my guy through it all.....he was! He dealt with dozen of questions, multiple visits before and after surgery and even understood the tears when it seemed things were almost more than we could bear. He said there would come a better time...that time has arrived. Nicole, Doc's "Gal Friday" who was there for every visit and became not only my primary care giver and doc's assistant for all those visits but she is a person I have come to call my friend. I suspect there are others who have given, some I can't remember, others who never wanted me to know. All I can say now is THANK YOU.

Doctors and medicine are wonderful and powerful things. The support of family and friends is immeasurable. The power of faith and prayer is endless. The belief that you will be OK, you will be a survivor, you are on this earth for a reason and an attitude that always sees the glass half full, these are the things that in my opinion make the difference.

Prostate cancer is not a dead end, it is a detour. I have been on a detour for a year but I can see the main road again. I still have to cath myself each week, I still take medicines but I see a road ahead, not perfectly straight or without curves or potholes, but a road that leads to a much better place.

Brothers, get yourselves checked, know your scores, know your body, arm yourself with knowledge of this disease. Prepare yourself for battle and go into it with the attitude that defeat is not an options. Embrace your family and friends and even more, let them embrace you. Believe that God created you for a reason, a special purpose. Don't be afraid to cry, don't be afraid to laugh. Don't try to predict the future, look forward to it and wake every day in the awareness that you can make a difference in this world.

I will keep this blog active, I will continue to post from time to time. I will pass along those special moments. If you know of a friend, have a family member who has prostate cancer, tell them about this blog, tell them to call or write me. I love telling my story, our story.


"Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me"

Mike Raynor

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October -- More Good News

Friends and Family,

Hello. Hope all is well in your worlds. Mine is good, real good actually. Went for my normal checkup with the doc this week. I was not expecting to have the "scope" again but Nicole told me with a smile the just wanted to "look around" and make sure everything was OK. (Not a bad idea considering all that I have been through) I was pretty uneventful, I know the drill and there was not discomfort at all. Bottom line: it ALL looks pretty good. Remember, I am still cathing myself 2-3 times a week and believe with all my heart that is what is keeping things open and working great. I asked Doc if that would be something I would have to do for the rest of my life and he said absolutely not. For me, it is a small price to pay and if I do have too for the rest of my life, it's no big deal anymore! But the really good news: blood test results came back and my P.S.A. count was .01, or as they say, UNDECTECTABLE !! WooHoo, God is so good to me. This was my fourth test since surgery and all is well. I had on my own let my script for Viagra go unfilled. In my opinion, I didn't think I needed it. I told Doc and we discussed the benefits of Viagra with regard to nerve regeneration. There have been so significant side-effects and fortunately the insurance company does pay a significant portion of the cost so......I am back on the pill! Bottom line can only help and will not harm me to continue.

All this is great news for me and my family, the same is not true for many others. I spoke with a man yesterday who had a P.S.A score of 44+ and Gleason scores from his biopsy of 7's. His doc gave him but one option, radical prostetectomy and a 25% chance of a cure. If the surgery failed he was told he would have about 6 years. That breaks my heart. This brother is 5 years younger than me. I hope I can be there for him and his family. I know what my story and my situation is/was but that is no guarantee it will be the same for everyone. My mission is to tell my story, spread the word about Prostate Cancer preventions, treatments and cures. You have seen the banner on the home page of my blog, you can see the statistics. PLEASE do not believe "it won't happen to me" because it CAN HAPPEN TO YOU!! Get regular physicals, have your blood tested/screen for P.S.A. and if symptoms present themselves, GET TO THE DOC NOW !

I know I sound preachy but that's OK. I have two sons and two grandsons who now have a family history of prostate cancer. You can count of them hearing alot of my "preaching" as long as there is breath in me!

I love you ALL and thank you for loving me through this time in my life, I could have never made it without the love of my family and friends and.....


Friday, September 25, 2009

The Calendar says Sept., the temps say July!

Friends and Family,

Good Friday Morning to all. It is the end of another work week and I hope all is well in your worlds. I am blessed to be able to say "work week". It has been unusually warm this week but I know Fall and Winter are just around the corner. Wednesday was a special day, a day I will always remember was one year since my diagnosis! I took the time to read the entries from the first few weeks of this blog, yes....I cried again reliving that time in my life. The same day, this past Wednesday, I visited a friend who's step mother had died of cancer. I could not help but ask again, "why me Lord?" Why was I spared while others are not. I probably wouldn't understand the answer anyway.

The end of PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS WEEK is here. I can say I have not heard a word on TV or radio about it. Nearly 2000 men die each month! For me, that is news worthy! I have worn my blue ribbon proudly this week but will confess too I have not talked to anyone about P.C. awareness outside my circle of friends.

So, a year ago I became a household name to many of you. As the news of my diagnosis spread, God began to hear my name on a regular basis being lifted up by people like you. To say "thanks" seems so inadequate but it is the best I can do right now. I love you all and thank you for loving and caring about me......most of all....


Friday, September 18, 2009

Prostate Cancer Awareness Week

Friends and Family,

Hello again, and greetings from a happy, healthy and recovering cancer free man. It has been almost a year since my diagnosis and coincidentally next week is Prostate Cancer Awareness Week. I would consider it a personal favor if every man friend of mine, over age 50, who has not had his physical and had his P.S.A. checked in a year....MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO GET IT DONE!!
And, if ya don't want to do it for me, do it for your family. OK! Sermon is over.

Things continue to go well and improve. Leakage has all but become a non-issue for me. When I get very tired or hear a really funny joke, it may happen but I can feel it coming on and usually head it off. This past week I (on my own) stopped taking viagra in hopes of being able to resume some kind of normal function without drugs. It is certainly too soon to tell but I remain hopeful that the nerve regeneration processes will continue without medications. I see the doc in about 3 weeks and we will have more discussion about that I am sure.

With the anniversary of my diagnosis and surgery approaching (Sept 23 and Nov 12), I took time to re-read parts of my blog. Once again I am reminded of how very blessed I am. Thank you all for your love and support and....Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Septmeber 1st

Friends and Family,

I hope life continues to treat you well. I am blessed and know it is because people like you have not forgotten me and believe it or not, even tho I don't write as much as I used too, I have not fogotten you either. It has been a very busy summer, Daddy has had two surgeries in 8 weeks but is home and on the mend now. One of the good things that happened (and there were lots) during our many visits to Greenville, NC and the East Carolina Heart Institute was stumbling across a pharmacy/medical supply business that had on hand, over the counter disposable catheters. I had searched online and found one supplier, Allegro Medical, who displayed one just like the doc had given me in their online catalog. After nearly two week from my order date I called to check the status and was told that item was discontinued. Not a very good experience and you know how I feel about customer service. Allegro Medical is not likely to get any business from me nor any recommendations. So, back to the one I found in was called Healthwise. They had boxes of catheters on the shelf, no prescription necessary and 60% - 80% cheaper than any I had found online. I am going home with two boxes (60 catheters). And...since flying back and forth and having to deal with the TSA guidelines pertaining to fluid container restrictions, I needed to find some kind of sterile lubricant in packaging less than 3 oz. Hit the jackpot again, got foil packets with 1/2 oz at Healthwise.....a gross in one box for $18. I am going home all stocked up! I am cathing every other day and everything seems to be working fine for now. I do have the occasional tenderness after cathing but it is short term and I do not treat it with anything other than time. I go back to the doc next month for my routine check up and am hopeful we can reduce the dosage of viagra. Erectile function has improved, not back to pre-surgery status but much improved over the past month or so. If that is something I have to take for the rest of my "active" life, it will be a small price to pay but my goal is to be "prescription free". I don't like taking medicine and want to get off all that I can. Dont get me wrong, I am so very thankful for doctors and medicine but just want to take as little of it as possible!

So, enjoy what is left of our summer, I plan too. If anyone needs more info on my new friend, Healthwise Pharmacy, please let me know, I would love to share. Thank you for your continued love and support and prayers and Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.


Friday, August 14, 2009

9 Months


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening. Happy Anniversary to ME ! Yep, just passed the 9 month mark being cancer free...GOD IS SO GOOD. Life continues to improve and things are getting back to some degree of normal. I am cathing every other day now and it seems to be keeping things "flowing" well. Found a web site that will allow me to purchase the same kind of catheters I use so I can have a supply on hand. I treat it (my cath kit) much like my American Express card...I don't leave home without it! It works, it keeps me out of the docs office and is really no big deal anymore. As far as erectile function...I think it is improving too. My last visit to the doc he asked and I told him it requires manipulation as opposed to the "normal" reaction associated with arrousal. Is kinda difficult to explain but that is as delicately as I can say it and .....the doc says, it is to be expected and things are progressing just fine. Full erectile function, if totally restored, could take in excess of 18 months! Once again, life is good and I feel blessed to be where I am in the process. If any brothers or families need info re: ordering catheters for home use, I will be glad to share what I have found with you. The internet is a great source for finding almost anything you need or want.

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers...I love you all and know you love me. Most of all..... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me !!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer is almost over..... :-(

Friends and Family,

Yes, July has come and gone and the end of summer is well in sight. Summer has been good tho', and I have learned how good life is.

I am doing well these day. When people ask how I am, I usually respond by telling them I am not 100% yet but I can see 100% from where I am! I still cath myself every other day and that is working well. All things considered, I'm just an ordinary guy who survived prostate cancer and has a pretty good life. That said, I thot I would use this posting to list some of the things I can and have done since my treatments/surgeries.....just so other men and their families know that life can and does go on after P.C.

Though I did have a catheter for 6 weeks, I don't have one now.
I can play golf most anytime I want too. (and is most always pretty ugly!)
I can fish with my children and grandchildren at the beach.
I can lay on the beach, have a beer and look like just another fat guy enjoying himself.
I can play with my grand-daughters and a can of silly string.
I can get up at 4:00am to go fishing with my boys.
I can still do the "hula-hoop" on my Wii (up to almost 2000)
I can work everyday in the heat and sun. (altho I dont like too so much)
I can go to the pool with my dear friend and her children and play for an afternoon.
I can attend church, lead Sunday School class and sing in the choir.
I can fly to Texas and spend a weekend with my brother and his wife floating in their pool.
I mow my yard (and weed-eat and trim the sidewalks and driveways)
I can go to the grocery store.
I can take my parents to the doctor.
I can be the designated "hushpuppy and french fry cooker" for a fish fry at the boss's house.
I can kneel and pray.
I can build a bird feeder for my yard.

Friends, there is not much if anything I CAN'T do now, eight months after my surgery for cancer. I know I am blessed and there are those who are not able to include some of the things I have above on their "can do" lists. It didn't all come in a day, or a week, or a month...and somethings are still finding their way back to normal. My point in saying this here and now is to let ALL my brothers and their families know that a little gland the size of a walnut is NOT your brain nor your heart nor your soul. You can be the same man and husband and father and person you were before your diagnosis and treatment. Set your own goals, plot your own course. Don't "what if" yourself into settling for less than you can be. God created every one of us uniquely different to fulfill a special purpose. Our job is to keep climbing the mountains in life...God will let us know when we need to stop!

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me MR

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Good News.....

Friends and Family,

Happy July and summer to ALL. Yes, I know it has been a long time since my last entry. Life got crazy a few weeks ago, Daddy had open-heart surgery, triple by-pass. It was a very physically and emotionally draining experience but all is well now. I didn't get much sleep for 3-4 days but ALL has turned out well, Daddy is doing good right now and I am doing just fine too. First of all, I am less than a week from celebrating 8 months cancer free and yesterday got my lab report that my blood test showed my PSA level as NOT DETECTABLE. GOD IS GOOD ! Prostate cancer can and does masticize into cancer in other parts and organs in the body not me! Not today. No signs that any little cancer cells escaped from the prostate and my system is clean of any cancer cells.

Just as the doc has promised, life is slowly getting back to normal. I am working regularly, playing golf regularly (though badly), work in my yard, have ridden a jet ski for the first time in my life and look forward to a good month with weekends at the beach.

Life does exist after prostate cancer and that message cannot be overstated. Too many men opt to do nothing for fear the cure is worse than the disease. It is my prayer that all men 50 years or older or with a family history of P.C. will get checked TODAY !

Again, I apologize for not updating my blog earlier. I will confess that when life is going OK and things are so busy, it is easy to allow my blog to slip down the priority list. I read it often and remember the bad days in the months past but also see the miracles and blessings of ALL OF YOU, your love and prayers. Thank you so very much and......

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ugh...trouble during the night, but a good ending...

Friends and Family,

Hello Friends and Happy June again. Man o Man was it a hot, humid one today.

Woke up this morning about 2:00am and needed to pee. Staggered into the can and tried but no pee-pee was happenin'. I immediately got my trusty catheter and within a few seconds, life was good again. Off to bed and back to sleep only to wake again about 5:00 with the same urge and the same urge and the same result (or lack of one). Once again called in the "cath crew" and life was good again. I was a bit concerned and decided to stay up and see what would happen if I hydrated myself, juice, etc. Before leaving for work I went 2 more times and things were working well. It was a day of urgencies and frequencies but atleast I could go. I am not sure what happened or what is going on. I can feel a minor obstruction when I cath and need to apply a bit of pressure to get fully into my bladder but it works and for now..THAT IS GOOD !
I am not scheduled to return to Doc Polsky for a month and am hopeful things will get better. I am so blessed that I have been able to do this for myself. Thanks for Doc and Nicole for showing me and providing the catheters. I am getting better each time I have to do it and is almost a natural thing..the key word being ALMOST. I plan to change my routine and do my cathing in the mornings instead of at night, that way I will be up and active and in my opinion lessen the chances of any obstructions happening. No, I still don't have a medical degree but I do know my body and how it is suppose to feel and when it is not working right. Please pray with me that things will continue to move forward and improve and if they remain the same...I am still blessed, I am cancer free and know that I still have a lot of life to live. Thank you all for ALL you do for me, for your love and prayer and Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 14th, Flag Day, 7 Months cancer free !

Friends and Family,

Today we should be flying our United States flags in celebration of Flag Day. I am as patriotic as anyone but the greater celebration today is for 7 months cancer free. 7 months and 2 days ago I had surgery to remove a malignant prostate. It is still a journey but I am so much farther down the road now than even a month ago. Yes, I still have some issues and things are less than 100% but I have a full, long life to look forward too.

Today I am supposed to sing in church, a song I have done 2 or 3 times but today it has a very special meaning. "Drinking From My Saucer", a song recored by Michael Combs, tells my testimony very well right now. I am truly "drinking from my saucer 'cause my cup has overflowed."

Please continue to pray for each other. You may have a friend that is dealing with issues that he or she just cannot talk about out loud. Perhaps your heart is heavy and you needs your friends to pray for you. Pray for the sick and hurting and their families. Pray for our children and our nation.

TODAY is a great day! Let's all try our best to live it out loud! I love you ALL and thank you for loving and caring about me.....and Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

" flossing your teeth"


Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. I am I think, working hard and playing some and thankful for each day I rise from a warm, dry bed in an air conditioned home, having running water to wash my face and food to have a many in our world, even our communities are not so blessed.

Health wise: I am OK, just when I thot it was safe to say I am just about 100%, there was an issue. I knew I was not peeing like I should be and had been. My stream was significantly reduced from even a week or so earlier. to see Doc Polsky and Nicole. Felt certain I knew before I heard him say the words that I would need another dilation. Sure enough, that is what we did (no valium) and home again and peeing great! It was uncomfortable but not painful. The doc is so good and genuinely regrets any time he has to do something he knows is unpleasant for me. Nicole is ever so sweet, very respectful and kind and treats me like I am her favorite patient....a treatment I suspect all their patients get! Anyway, I am doing good now, cathing every other day or as I need too. I told the doc it is like flossing your teeth, doesn't hurt and only take a couple of minutes but not something I like to do or want to take the time to do. Well, I am still not flossing my teeth like I should but I am going to be cathing on a regular basis.

Thanks for your prayers and your love. Please continue to pray for all of us who have had cancer, for our families, for those still battling cancer and other illnesses, for the wonderful doctors, nurses, and care givers. I love you ALL....

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Friends and Family,

Happy Memorial Day to ALL. First of all I will take this opportunity to thank ALL the men and women who serve and have served our nation, many giving up their futures to insure that we have a future. Thank you ALL and may God bless you.

Me, I am doing well. Things are working very well I think and I am gaining more and more bladder control everyday. Yesterday I did not leave the beach soon enough to make it home in time to use the bathroom, it was the first episode in a long, long time. Why you ask did I not just go in the water.....I had twice before but did not want to get wet again at this time of the day....that didn't exactly work out for me either. I know I need to continue doing my kagel exercises and am certain that too will help with my control.

Erectile function has seemed to have plateaued....if that is even a medical condition? I may need to increase the dosage of medications or may require other therapies. I suspect that will be a topic of discussion during the next doctor's visit!

I have missed yet another meeting of the Prostate Cancer Support Group in Mooresville. It seems that something always comes up the last week of the month for me. I support it 100% and regret that I have not made a meeting since my first one. I encourage everyone dealing with prostate cancer, patients and families to find and participate in a support group. Check with your doctor for information about possible groups in your area.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please continue to pray for all those affected with cancer and all those who so faithfully care for those of us with cancer or in recovery.

I just spoke with two friends this weekend who cannot recall when they had their PSA checked. All I can say is DO IT members...naggin' til they go !

I love you all and thank you for loving me..... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Day in Paradise !

Friends and Family,

Happy Sunday to you all. I trust you have had a good weekend and a good Lord's day. My week has been busy but thankfully ALL has been well. I have had no issues this week, everything seems to be working properly and I have every expectation that it will continue on track. Work was hard and hot this week and my output was less than what I call usual now but I was doing some sweating this week and feel that adequate hydration will avoid any potential retention issues for me.....that's the way I'm gonna treat it anyway.

Spoke with a friend this week and learned of a procedure he is having in a few days called TUMT. It is the acronym for Trans Urethral Microwave Therapy. It was a quick find on the internet and you might check it out for yourself. My Reader's Digest version is that it allows an intrument to be placed in the urethra (catheter) and emits microwaves that essentially burn away part of the prostate reaching temps of about 111 degrees. This is not a treatment for cancer but more to remedy the symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia), enlarged prostate.
Let's all pray the procedure goes well.

I was able to attend the wedding of Daniel and Shelley Black (formerly Swaringen) yesterday. It is good to see young people, so in love and so excited about making their place in the world.

There are many who are sick and hurting, homeless and helpless, poor in spirit and means. God loves us ALL and doesn't miss a thing that happens to us. If you are one of those who feels alone or hurt or hopeless.....remember, as I have many times over these past 6 months the words of Paul in I Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness".

I pray that each of you experience the Grace of healing and peace and renewal today and everyday. Thank you for your continued love and prayers, please don't stop for me and for others who battle this disease and it's consequences every day. Pray for the doctors and nurses who stand with us in these battles. Pray for the families and caregivers of those with cancer. Each of you who have read and continue to read my story, you are like family to me...I love you ALL, I thank you ALL and.....

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Bump in the Road

Friends and Family,

Yesterday was a good day, good in the sense that I celebrated all day my 6th month of being cancer free. Thanks be to GOD for all He has done in my life and continues to do.

So, a bump in the road you ask? Yea, 'fraid so.....yesterday morning I began to feel an all too familiar sensation and my stream when trying to pee was significantly less than the past couple of weeks. Per the doc's instructions, I did cath myself on Monday night (my once a week routine) and I did bleed some. My feeling is that I irritated the most recent surgery site, caused some bleeding and scabbing and created an obstruction AGAIN ! I had to leave work in the morning to come home and cath and called the doc when I still hadn't peed on my own after 3 hours. He suggested too that I may have irritated my urethra and I should NOT cath for a few days. I went on the offensive again and did cath myself one more time after dinner and drank and drank and drank water til after 10:00 last night, popped one of those pills that makes your pee turn a beautiful shade of blue or green and after getting up every hour or so through the night, things seem to be pretty much back to normal again this morning. YEA!...... God is so good.

Hardly a day goes by that I don't hear of or speak to someone who has prostate issues. I encourage every man 50 years old or with a family history.....GET YOUR PROSTATE CHECKED NOW ! If you won't do it for YOU, do it for your family. Nearly 30,ooo husbands, brothers, sons, uncles, friends, neighbors will die this year with prostate cancer. Please don't be one of them!

Thank you for your prayers. Talked with a brother last night and we agreed that no medicine is as powerful or effective as prayer.....and it doesn't have a co-pay!

I Love You ALL .............. Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me MR

Monday, May 11, 2009

The First Six Months

Friends and Family,

Actually, tomorrow will be the 6th month anniversary of my surgery and cancer free life but this morning was kinda special for me too. You see, I have been doing my kagel exercises regularly and doing the "start-stop" exercise when I have to pee and last night I went to bed WITHOUT a pad. It was the first time since November 12th last year that I did not go to bed with either a catheter or a pad. I got up once in the night to go and woke at the usual time this morning and all was well. I don't think I will risk working today without some protection but I am excited that I can go to bed and sleep through the night without leaking or wetting myself.

Again, this blog has become more of a journal about how life is getting back to normal than it is dealing with the treatment and recovery of Prostate Cancer. This is a place I prayed for and always hoped I would be and am so very thankful God has blessed me so much.

Am I 100% now....NOPE ! but I am on the way I think. There are still hurdles to go over and I am still on the journey. I talk to brothers who are dealing with prostate issues, met one last week in the doc's office. I encourage every man my age to GET TESTED....KNOW YOUR PSA COUNT! The lack of knowledge about our bodies, men and women, is our greatest weakness in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. I won't get "preachy" but feel very strongly about this subject.

I have been on the increased dose of Viagra for a week now and see no significant difference in erectile function, however, I am confident that too will get better. The doc tells me I am only a few months out of surgery and doing VERY well. There is every reason to believe normal erectile function can and will return.

I would like to say a belated "Happy Mother's Day" to all the mothers who read this. The mothers whose sons have taken this journey with me, the mothers whose husbands travel this road too. The mothers who are nurses who have taken such good care of me and others with all kinds of health issues, the mothers who pray every day for their loved ones......and for My Mother. Moma prayed for me every day and I suspect still does. Hearing her voice regularly with reassurances and "I love you" 's was the best medicine I could get. Thank you Moma for being the best Moma ever! I love you too.

It is a rainy Monday, hope we get to work today sometime...guess we'll see? Thank you all for your love and prayers, your support and friendship.....I love you ALL.

and.......Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Week In "The Holler"

Family and Friends,

...or should I say "The Hollow" as in Quail Hollow as in The Quail Hollow Championship ? Yes, I was one of the lucky 2600 volunteers for the QHC and it was a ball. Best part of it was that I got to share it all with my brother Dean from Texas, my son Patrick and ("my brotha from anotha mutha") my good friend James from Dallas. Got to spend some good time there and got in a few rounds of golf this week too. I am not here to bore you with details of my vacation week but to emphasize that life does go on after Prostate Cancer. It was not a perfect week for me but I did manage to do everything I needed and wanted to do. When the urge to pee came on I made an immediate plan for someone to take my assignment and got to a restroom. I did not have an accident all week. I did see Doc Polsky on Monday and everything is going just fine for now. I was cathing every day and now I can cut back to once per week. That is great news. I am changing the dose of Viagra too....I will take 1/2 to 1/3 of a pill everyday except twice a week take the full pill (100mg). I am in the process of getting off of the vesicare and the colchicine. I don't like taking pills but realize too that it is a part of the process and takes time to work through. I am working this week and really feel that things are getting back to normal for me...GOD IS SO GOOD. I know most of this posting is about things other than prostate cancer but sometimes it is important to let you know that life is going on, is getting back to some sense of normal and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting a little bit brighter each day.

Thank you for continuing to pray for me and for all those that are fighting this battle. Remember their families and support systems.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me....... Mike

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A VERY good week....looking for another

Hello Friends and Family,

Yes, another week has passed and a good one it has been too. I am doing so good, thanks for all your thoughts and especially your prayers. The surgery seems to have corrected the issues of blockages and retention and when it comes to peeing, things work perfectly. There are still some minor control issues and leakage but that too is getting better and I am doing my "exercises" even as I type this! Erectile function is progressing and the doc has given me samples of Cialis to try and see if there is any difference. After a week or so, I see no obvious difference.

This week will be a good gauge as to how much strength I have back. I will be working as a volunteer at the Quail Hallow Championship and playing golf every day Wed - Sun with my family in from Dallas, TX. I did work a full hard day on Thursday and Friday and by Friday nite, was passing a little blood but none since. Perhap it was an isolated incident ....that's my story and I'm sticking to it !

Thank you ALL for your continued prayers. Please continue to pray for all those that are sick and hurting and especially those dealing with Prostate Cancer. You are the greatest friends and family a man could have. Enjoy the beautiful weather..... thank you again for your love and prayers and..

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Friends and Family,

Good Sunday morning...this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Sorry I have not updated this blog in a few days but it was by design. I wanted to wait and see just how things were gonna be and how successful I might guage the most recent surgery. Well, I am happy to report....IT IS GREAT ! I am able to pee like I did several years ago, before BPH became an issue and certainly better than any time since surgery. I kept the catheter til Friday morning. It was like Christmas morning for up and was setting on ready to get it out. We (B and me) irrigated the catheter and put one syringe full into my bladder, deflated the balloon that holds the cath in place in my bladder and then pulled it out uneventfully. I promptly eliminated (peed) out the same about that was put in with the syringe. Since then, things are working great. I have had some leakage issues and really need to concentrate on my kagel exercises to strengthen the muscles that allow me to "hold it" til I can get to a toilet. I am confident it too will happen. There has been some burning and soreness but nothing bad at all. I have mowed the lawn, worked outside and done most anything I want without a problem...GOD IS SO GOOD !

Am off to church and Sunday School now, confident that I am running full speed on the road to complete recovery. I am however mindful of the many men and families that are still suffering with prostate cancer and related issues that has turned their worlds upside down. Please pray with me for those in need of healing and wholeness.

Thank you ALL for your love and prayers and... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just another day of surgery.....

Friends and Family,

I'm home again, safe and sound, my little friend (a catheter) tagging along beside me and doing quite well I think. The surgery was pretty much routine and I feel pretty good...just a bit tired and sleep comes easier than usual when I sit down. God is so good and blesses me in so many, many ways. Thanks to all of your for your prayers. Thanks to B and David and Rick for being there at the hospital and....Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Surgery Eve (again)

Friends and Family,

Well, it is just after 11:00 on Tuesday nite and about 12 hours from my date with Doc Polsky in the O.R. at Lake Norman Regional. I am a tiny bit anxious but very pleased that we are getting something done that I believe will get me one step closer to normal again. The "stuff" that blocks my urethra at the neck of my bladder is going to be removed tomorrow. Whether by scalpel or by laser I am not certain. I have 100% faith and trust that Doc Polsky will do whatever is best.
So, I will be down for a day or maybe two, I will have my old friend "Mr Catheter" tagging along when I come home but just a short visit I hope, a day or two.

Please keep me and the docs in your prayers. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Family in the Faith....I love you ALL.

I hope to be able to update you tomorrow evening with some good news but dont fret if it takes me an extra day or two. II Corinthians 12:9 reminds me of WHO is in total control and
Romans 8:28 assures me that everything will be OK.

Talk to you again the mean time...

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Monday, April 13, 2009

UPDATE: April 13th


Saw the doc today and had the scope procedure done and we have agreed that we need to get that "stuff" out of me. So, on Wednesday morning I will have a procedure, under anesthesia to have this blockage removed by laser. I am 100% OK with this plan and remain hopeful it will take care of this issue I have been dealing with for months.

Please keep me and the doc and nurses in your prayers. I am excited about getting this part of the journey behind me.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

If April Showers.......

Friends and Family,

If April showwers bring May flowers.....we are gonna be seeing ALOT of flowers next month! Rain is good, I'm not complaining. Well, let's see....s'been a week since my last entry and do believe it was before the NORTH CAROLINA TARHEELS became National Champs. (just in case anyone did not know) Enuf said about that !

It has been an OK week. I am still having to cath myself atleast twice a day and some times as much as 4 times. It is not painful nor uncomfortable now, I got it down to a science. BUT....I should not have to do this so often! I actually took my "cath kit" to work with me and had to do it at work one day. The kids came in this weekend for Easter and the "boys" played golf on Saturday. I made it through 14 holes before I shut down and the discomfort was more that I could deal with so we left. I got home, was able to cath myself and things were OK for the rest of the day/night. Yesterday I was going about every 10 minutes and finally had to cath again. I am thinking I need to talk to the doc again and make some arrangements to get things "fixed" up there. I just dont have alot of confidence the material blocking my urethra is going to desolve and go away on it's own. Am thinking I may go and see my favorite doc again today or this week?

All other things in life are OK. Did you see the bunny this past week....No, not the Easter Bunny, the Energizer Bunny in the full moon! But I hope you saw the Easter Bunny too. He visited our house this weekend (the kids were here)....don't you think they should make those Reese's peanut butter eggs all year?

OK, time to go and try to do something today. It is raining so can't go to work but there is plenty to do here. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Tell someone you love them....I know it will make them smile. I LOVE ALL OF YOU !

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me............................. Mike

Monday, April 6, 2009

No Big Deal...but the valium was great......AGAIN !

Friends and Family,

Hope life is treating everyone well. I am OK too. Went to see my favorite Doc today and I never even had to take my britches off! I have been cathing myself everyday for almost two weeks now and yesterday began a 6 cath day for me, having alot of problems keep a flow going. The scar tissue (obstruction) in my urethra is being stubborn and not dissolving as quickly as was expected or needed. I have NO problems with the cathing process and so long as I can still do it, no retention issues coming up, we are going to wait about 5 more weeks and re-evaluate .....possibly considering laser surgery to remove/eliminate the material blocking my urethra. OK, I am sure you may be asking, "why the heck does he not just do in and take care of it now?" Well, the truth is we are taking a more conservative approach as the blockage is very near of part of the area where I bled for 4 weeks causing me to have to wear a catheter for so long. NONE OF US want to see that area dramatized again to a point of causing bleeding that would again put me in a catheter for weeks. I love Doc Polsky and believe he wants what is best for me so, I'm waiting, cath in hand if I need it!

On other fronts.....I am experiencing a nagging little headache that could be cause by the Viagra. It is a common side effect. While it is not debilitating and does not interfere with daily life, it is a bit of a nuisance. So...we are gonna try Cialis and see if it can produce the same "positive" results without the side effects of headaches or back pain. I will keep you posted on that. I am pleased with erectile function at this point and if I choose there are other options I can use including a vacuum device and something the doc drew on paper that looks very much like a "zip tie". Be assured that before I allow anything to be cinched around any part of my body (especially my penis) things will have changed significantly. Right now I am OK with how things are in that department, after all I am still less than 6 months out of surgery.

Time to go. It's back to work tomorrow and hopefully bragging about my "Heels". If I can't brag about them I can always brag about the wonderful people in my life and how much I am blessed.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings On Me........................................ Mike

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

S'been a long week....

Friends and Family,

It has been a week since my last posting, good news is there is no medical reason for my lack of responsibility in keeping this updated. It has been a busy week with "stuff".

On the medical front, I think I am doing OK. It is not perfect but good for the most part. I am still experiencing severe urgency and am cathing myself atleast once every day and at most three times. While it is not something I want to have to live with forever, it is something I could learn to live with forever. I see the doc again next Monday and I suspect we will set up some time to go in and remove the material that is obstructing my bladder neck and urethra. When I do the self-cath, even I can feel the obstruction and a little "push" is needed to get past it. I feel blessed that I can do this and allow for some relief when it gets tough.

I missed this month's Support Group meeting as we are having services at church this week. I hate that I missed but I will get there next month. I guess there is no new news. Life is pretty good and it seems like my daily routine now involves things I never thought would be a part of my life. I wake each day, knowing I am cancer free and THAT is a blessing I can't begin to measure.

Thank You for your continued prayers and support. Please continue. I have heard stories this week of other men who are suffering or have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, men that I know. Prayer is the most powerful medicine we have, knowledge is the most powerful tool we could ever use. Pray for God to help us to take care of ourselves and each other.

I Love You ALL .... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

THAT never happened before

Friends and Family,

Happy "Hump" Day all. Is a rainy day in the Queen City of North Carolina but we need it and I am sure the flowers love it too.

It was a good weekend health wise. After the visit on Friday to Doc Polsky, things are working well. I have sucessfully cathed myself on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. It is not something I would say is comfortable but it is not painful either. The more I do it the easier it gets. I can do the whole process, start up to clean up in less than 10 minutes !

This morning, sometime around 4:00am I think, I woke and needed to pee so got up, did my thing and sleepily went back to bed. I felt a cold wet spot on the bed when I got back under the covers and then realized too my underwear was wet in the front. Even having had a pad, some leakage got through and ..... "That never happened before". This is the first and only episode in nearly 4 1/2 months since surgery. That in itself is alot to be thankful for .... and I AM !

Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Thank You. Pray for those who are sick and hurting and for the families and loved ones who care for these people in their lives. For the homeless and the helpless, for our children and our churches. Pray for our President and our Nation. Thank you ALL so much for what you do and have done for me and......

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring is in the air

Friends and Family,

Happy Springtime!'s finally here and summer is just around the corner. Isn't it amazing how every spring things are just so beautiful after a cold, gray winter? I love this time of year.
Spring flowers and trees, the NCAA basketball much better could it possibly be?

Have had a pretty good week health wise. Was asked this morning how I was doing, my usual response is "doing good, but it's early". Have been concerned that my stream is weak and I have had trouble cathing myself too. The cath reaches a certain point and goes not further, can't get it into my bladder. Well....with the weekend coming and Brenda away on a Chrysalis weekend, I thought I should see the doc and see the doc I did yesterday. Turn out it is the same thing, just a different day. Some suture material that should dissolve has not and it partially blocking the neck of my bladder. We are gonna keep an eye on it, I will try to be more aggressive in cathing regularly and see the doc again on April 6th. If things are not significant improved by then, there will probably be another minor surgery to remove the "stuff". At this point, whatever it takes I am ready for.

Things are "tender" but working today and that is always good (the when things are working part). Got a few errand to do today and then a Chrysalis event tonight and church tomorrow so I best get going. Please continue to pray for healing, for everyone who is sick and hurting. For those who have cancer and their families. For the homeless and the helpless. ( I helped serve breakfast this morning for Room In The Inn @ church....I am soooooo blessed) Thank you all for your continued love and prayers and .....

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Monday, March 16, 2009

Another rainy Monday

Friends and Family,

Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was good 'cept for seeing my "Tarheels" lose in the ACC Tourney. S'ok tho, they will be on TV for the next 3 weeks (I hope).

It has been a good week health wise. I will confess (and will confess to the doc too) that I have NOT used the catheter this week, not since Wednesday. I am thinking "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I have had a good stream and no pain nor discomfort so I want to think I am doing well for now. I say this cautiously as when I said it last I was in the E.R. that night! I feel very confident I have turned another corner is recovery and feel the medications are doing the job. Again, being very frank, my erectile function is progressing well in my opionion. While it is not at 100% , it continues to improve weekly. (sorry Lisa, you shoulda stopped reading before now :-) ).

Call me crazy but I think one of the small things responsible for my improvements is that I was up @ 6:00am everyday last week and have begun to do a work-out with Wii Fit. I usually begin with some yoga, then some strength training and some aerobics. I do all I can to talk myself out of it when the alarm goes off but God gives me the strength somehow to get up and get going and withing 15 or 20 minutes I am "into it". May not be the best program in town but it works for me and makes me feel better too. Now, if I could just learn to push away from the bread and cheese and ice cream...I could probably shed some tonnage!

Hope you ALL have a great day. I would like to say a little thank you to one person that reads this blog're such a "sweetie" and it makes my soul smile when you let me and others know you care! Yes, I know there are many of you and I love and thank you all. Please continue with me on this journey. Pray for those who are sick and hurting. Pray that fathers and sons and brothers and uncles and nephews will get their P.S.A. checked every year. Thousands of men lost their lives to prostate cancer last year. Tens of thousands of lives were affected.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.............................................. Mike

Friday, March 13, 2009

YEEEE HAAAA ! Mike 2 Cancer 0

Friends and Family,

TGIF again....the weekend is upon us and looks like we are gonna be "fweezin" too.

News...News...News... First of all, things are beginning to move normally again down the urinary tract. Got some new catheters from the doc (Nicole) and managed to cath myself and break through whatever it was that was interfering with a proper stream...YES, it did hurt but was worth it and now things are better. I also have a medication that helps with discomfort and eases the irritation caused by the catheter (and it makes my pee a lovely shade of BLUE.)

Now for the BIG news! Got the results back from my 2nd blood test and it continues to show my P.S.A. score as UNDETECTABLE! God is so good. In a nut shell that means there are no detectable cancer cells from my prostate floating around in my body.

My journey so far on this road to wellness has not been without challenges, most if not all very well documented. All I can say is that it is/was worth it all and I am so blessed to be used by God to show off His awesome powers and endless love and mercy.

Thank you Dr. Polsky and Nicole and Candace and the Mooresville staff and my family and most of all.....
Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cancer - free's a bee-u-tee-ful thang !


Yes, golf and work and LIFE is a wonderful thing and especially when it is cancer free. Got the chance to play yesterday and had a great round for me. Two pars and a birdie. I love getting out and playing, just wish I could get better at it. Brothers, my point is that you DON'T have to give up life as you knew it before your diagnosis / treatments. Four months ago tomorrow I started the day lying on an operating room table and ended it in bed in a Critical Care Unit. The journey has not been without challenges but I am beginning to see some familiar landmarks from life before my diagnosis. Keep the faith and believe you WILL be out of the golf course or fishing boat or tree stand or whatever! Just do it !

Still having some issues with peeing but is getting better...we'll talk more later.

Love You ALL........ Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me MR

Monday, March 9, 2009

Summer Monday in March.....


Hi, hope all had a good weekend. It was OK for me, the weather was awesome.

I did bring a "cath at home" kit from the doc and honestly was NOT looking forward to my first at home experience. Well....I did it last night and it was a piece of cake! No pain or problems to speak of at all! But...this morning I could not pee and decided I should cath again to make sure there was not a big problem. Things did not get better as the day progressed. I did go to work and came home for lunch to cath again as all morning long it was painful and very much a strain for a very small amount. As the day went on, I think it got better so far as volume is concern but it is still very painful when I go. I will take an anti-spasm med tonite and hope to rest and that tomorrow will be a better day. I'll let ya know.

Some days are difficult and some time I find myself feeling sad or even sorry for myself ~~ if only for a few minutes. Some folks ask me how do you deal with all of the "stuff" you have gone through. Well, I think it is all about FAITH in God first of all, faith in your doctors and medicine and faith in yourself that you are doing the right thing.

You know how a Moma wants to fret....mine is no different. Have talked to her often and what I told her the other day...when I feel like I am falling, the "net" I fall into is that fact that I do not have cancer anymore and how many people in the world would give anything to be able to say that? I am BLESSED....and I have faith that someday I will be back to normal normal as I ever was I reckon.

By the way.....did you see the Energizer Bunny in the moon tonight....Im betting somebody did!

Thank you all for loving me.....I love you back!

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Friday, March 6, 2009

No Big Deal...but the valium was great!


TGIF again.... I can say without any hesitation that I dreaded today more than any in recent history and said in the elevator going up to the office that another biopsy is the only thing I would dread more than the plans for today. Didn't even get to sit down before they called me back. As usual, the doctor's assistant was so kind and gracious and made me feel as confortable as possible. With my britches off and the cool numbing jelly "applied" the doc came in and the games began! He fed the camera equipt scope down (or up) my urethra and into place for a picture of how things looked and to my (joyful) surprise said it looked really good and he did not think we needed to do any "stretching" today. There was what appeared to be some "stone" material near the surgical site that was determined to be part of a disolving suture material. It WAS NOT a stone like a kidney stone and would probably in time pass during urination uneventfully. It was a welcomed report and pretty much a non-event. Next up: PERSONAL CATHERIZATION TRAINING.
Ugh....think I was dreading this more than the other part but Ginger, the wonderful assistant gave me a play by play explanation of what to do and what to expect. Showed me the catheter, the jelly, made sure I knew which end went in and said, "just keep pushing it in til you see pee coming out". Well, I threaded (very gently) the brownish-red little tube into the opening of my prized personal appendage and in just a few seconds, WE HAD PEE-PEE ! It didn't hurt, it wasn't difficult and I was so proud of myself. She told me that us boys usually have an easier time of it and with no prostate to go around, it was a snap! I can use each catheter for a month, thoroughly washing with an antibacterial soap after each use and air drying. It is considered a clean procedure but not a sterile procedure. All in all it was not a bad time today and the valium worked GREAT! I am very much a believer in better living through chemistry on procedure days. Got home and laid down and slept for 3 hours...very good sleep. I feel fine, had no residual effects from the procedure (yet) and ate lunch. I hope to have a good tomorrow and enjoy what looks like a great weather weekend.

So, thank you all for your prayers and concerns. Right now I feel pretty good but will take all the prayers I can get. Take care of yourselves and each other..pray for the sick and hurting...pray for the homeless and helpless...pray for our children...our church and our nation....and along with me let your prayer be:


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bar-B-Que...and lots of it!


Good morning, hope it's been a good day for everyone. Looks like a beautiful day in store for the Carolinas. Today is the 50th Annual BBQ @ Trinity United Methodist Church. I am told over 7000 pounds of meat was cooked this's still amazes me even though I have seen it for several years now. Come on down and "git cha some" it's the best you'll find!

The doctor's office visit was much as I expected on Tuesday. They removed the catheter and had no real explanation as to what is happening but we are going again tomorrow and will do the cystoscope and "have a look around" and make sure things are as they should be going into the weekend. I expect we will stretch the opening again too and the big news is that I will be instructed on how to catherize should be done daily (the doc says). I can hardly imagine that either but he is my guy and has gotten me this far, gotta believe he knows best!
The one question that comes to mind is when I take the valium tomorrow morning to lessen the discomfort associated with the upcoming procedure, will I still be lucid enough to understand the process of catherizing myself? Guess we'll find that one out tomorrow?

Thank you all for your continued prayers and expressions of concern....I could not have made it without you....I LOVE YOU ALL. Have a great day and hope to see ya at the BBQ.



Monday, March 2, 2009

Are ya happy now ???


Well, snow lovers....ARE YA HAPPY NOW ???? I hope so. Having spent 12 winters in Ohio I am not in the least excited by snow in any amount. For those of you that are....enjoy!

It was an OK night, resonably restful, as restful as it can be with a catheter attached to me. I was anxious for morning to come so I could get into the docs office and see what is going on. Well....the snow has taken care of that too, docs are not in the office (yet). I am hopeful they will be in sometime today and I can get in and deposit this catheter.

Again, I am not in any pain nor unbearable discomfort. For anyone who has had a catheter, you know it is as much a mental and emotional thing as it is a physical thing. I am a little aggrevated and frustrated but I am confident it will be OK and "normal" is just around the corner.

For all you friends in the Charlotte area, please be careful out there today. Build a snowman, have a snowball fight and get your "snow" fix. If you get out on the careful ! For those of you away from greatful !

OK, time to try the docs office again. I will keep you all posted on what goes on (as usual). As always, your prayers are appreciated. I Love You ALL....

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Sunday, March 1, 2009

NOT AGAIN......!!!


I think I must be getting a call from Guiness Book of World Records any day now. Yesterday was a good day, nothing special, everything "working" perfectly. I even said, "I felt better this week than I have since November". We went to a dinner party last night and when I visited the bathroom about 6:30 it was very difficult, no stream but drops of blood. 3 subsequent visits about 20 minutes apart produced nothing but some pain in my penis. Called the doc and he suggested a hot bath and too limit my fluid intake. After about an hour of that with no results, it was off to the ER again. Prayed all the way there and once there was taken right in and the nurses were working on me in no time. A bladder scan revealed I had about 1/2 a litre still in my bladder. It came as no surprise that a catherization was in my immediate future. The initial attempt failed, could not get into my bladder. #2 with a smaller catheter also failed, could not get into my bladder....a few minutes of discussion between nurses and another try with a catheter used primarily for children and we hit the mother lode and the pee-pee was coming out good....needless to say it was almost immediate relief. Because it was a smaller cath, it took longer to drain my bladder. The ER doc came in, very nice guy and said everything appears to be working as it should. He was going to culture a specimen to check on infection. Yes, again I am gonna be on Cipro (anti-biotic). Tomorrow I will be calling my doc as soon as the office opens to see what is going on.

I don't feel bad, I don't hurt anywhere and have made up my mind, I am NOT going to be held prisoner by this catheter again. I don't see me having it for six weeks like before....but it is what it is and I will deal with it.

I said last night, I think it is a safe bet that more women have seen me naked in the past 3-4 months that in the first 3-4 months of my life! Now there's a scary thot huh?

The staff at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center was awesome. They were caring and attentive and respectful. The nurses, the CNA's and admin staff and the doctor...I feel so blessed to have such wonderfu people concerned for me........AND a family of friends like ALL of you that love me too.

Keep praying please....I will keep ya updated.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me Mike

Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27th...TGIF


TGIF..hope it's been a good week for you and yours. It has been a pretty good week for trips to the doctor's office so that is always a good thing.

So, I think things are progressing well now. I have had no issues in the bathroom, no problems with leakage and my functional stream is what I consider to be good. So far as erectile functions, that too seems to be going in the right direction (no pun intended). Fullness and duration are the primary goals and I am satisfied with my progress. I still take my meds (viagra) to help in nerve and muscle regeneration.

Again, the support group meeting this past week was great. I am already looking forward to next month.

Is another work day, even though it is supposed to rain. It has been such a blessing to be able to return to work. I believe work has been the best therapy for making my left hand/arm issues much better.

Thank you for your prayers, please keep me in them. Remember all those who are sick and hurting, the homeless and helpless, the aged and forgotten, our children, each other.

I Love You ALL..... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me Mike

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Support Group Meeting

Friends and Family,

No, I did not fall off the planet and No, I have not forgotten about this blog. I wanted to attend a meeting of a Prostate Cancer Awareness and Support Group before this I did !

We met in Mooresville, NC last night. I was warmly welcomed and was one of eight men affected by prostate cancer. Anne Hughes, the office manager from Lake Norman Urology was there and a gentleman who was one of the facilitators does not and has never had cancer! A meal was provided and we began a very open and frank discussion. We all have a different story woven with the common thread of prostate cancer. One gentleman has been diagnosed as terminal and another is in his 9th year living with cancer. I am VERY pleased to have found this group and feel we can make a difference in the lives of men and families affected by this disease.

As for me .... I am having a pretty good week so far. I am able to pee regularly and without any pain or strain. I will not pretend that I am not concerned about the scar tissue situation but remain hopeful it too will "fix" itself. Speaking of fixing itself....the issue with my left hand/arm is so much better these days. It is not perfect and I will have the occasional "shock" of nerves firing off but all in all, pretty good and MUCH better than a month ago.

If you read this blog and know of men or families dealing with prostate cancer, please tell them about it. In our meeting last night most men agreed that education is one of if not the greatest tool in fighting this disease. In my opinion, the only thing more important than educating yourself is having FAITH! Faith in God, yourself and your doctors.

Time to head out for work (I am glad I can work again). I wish for you all a wonderful day...a day that you can stop for just a minute and see all that God has given to US. I Love You ALL.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Thursday, February 19, 2009

25 Random Facts about ME


This posting has very little if anything to do with my journey through prostate cancer but.....I think it is interesting and with some encouraging from a friend (thanks Kristen) I hope you will be entertained if not informed by what you read. Lemme know Thanks and Love to ALL

1. I used to live in Scotland (from Nov.1964 - June 1965)
2. I won a National Poetry Contest my senior year in high school. Moma and Daddy have it
hanging in their house.
3. Last month, for the first time in life I did kareoke ("Friends In Low Places" G.Brooks)
4. I met and shook hands with the Dixie Chicks at the airport in Dayton, OH. ( before they got
stupid with their politics)
5. My favorite color is BLUE, not just any blue but CAROLINA BLUE.
6. My first car was a pre-owned, 1973 Rambler Ambassador SST. It was a 2 door, black
landau top and I installed an 8-track tape player..... life was good !
7. My "Bucket List" includes para-sailing and swimming with dolphins.
8. Three food items I dislike most all begin with a "c"... Cucumbers, Celery and Canelope
9. I once shot a nail (accidentally) through my left hand while I was working.
10. When I was living in Ohio I had a little farm and raised chicken and goats. The goats were
named: Flower, Daffodil, Violet, Rosebud, Tulip and Daisy (daughter Katie named 'em all)
11. 3 wishes: Find a cure for cancer, build a school for special needs kids, (selfish one here)
take a year off and travel around the world.
12. I spent 32 years in the airline business. United, Piedmont and USAirways. My best years
were those as a Piedmont employee
13. During a full moon I see the Energizer Bunny. Can you?
14. One of the most special moments in my life was standing on the Heart Butte in Montana
praying. I even tied a prayer cloth to one of the bushes there. Very special moment.
15. When I worked for Piedmont Airlines, one of the perks we had was the opportunity to ride in
the cockpit jumpseat between the THAT is an awesome experience.
16. I think the most famous person I have ever met was Dan Marino, QB for the Miami Dolphins.
Shook his hand and told him I was a big fan. He smiled and thanked me. He has enormous wonder he could throw a football so good.
17. I want to write a book. I still have an outline for it on a disk. The name is going to be
"Only Dreams Last Forever"
18. The first time I ever played golf was in Norfolk, Virginia in the late 70's. I shot a 108....
on the front nine.
19. The night before I got married (the first time), Daddy reminded me my curfew was
still 11:30...... and I was home on time!
20. My mother's maiden name is Raynor. Guess that makes me a thoroughbred? (no sick jokes
now, that's not nice)
21. Maybe I was wrong about #16.....I met Coach Dean Smith once, he signed my NCAA
National Championship Cap. Go Heels !!
22. One of the things in life I just love.....CALLER I.D. ain't it great to see who is calling you?
23. Last year I got the opportunity to work as a Volunteer Ambassador in the Wachovia
Championship. I get to do it again this year...hopefully Tiger will show this year?
24. In 1998 I got to ride the EUROSTAR (high speed train) from Paris to London. I fell asleep
and woke up in London.....missed the whole "chunnel" trip.
25. Nothing in life make me prouder than seeing my sons, now husbands and fathers, with their

BONUS FACT: I am cancer free, a survivor and give the credit to GOD for the miracles in my

A lovely shade of green (or blue)


Life continues to be entertaining. I am doing much better so far as being able to empty my bladder....and because of one of the meds I am taking, it is a lovely shade of green or blue or maybe just a pretty combo of both. It is for helping the trauma associated with the cystoscope procedure done on Tuesday. I still have some burning and discomfort after I have peed but the good news is..I can pee like a normal person!

Hoping to be back at work today. I really feel pretty good except for that little burning sensation.
Will keep ya posted on how things progress....

Keep Prayin' Thanks for all your prayers and concerns..... I love You ALL

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good News....Bad News

Hope all is well in your world on this rainy Wednesday morning. I awoke from one of the best nights I have had in quite some time, actually sleeping for more than an hour at a time. Went to see Doc Polsky yesterday afternoon. Nicole scanned my bladder to find out I am not emptying my bladder after I pee even though I felt like I had. This is a condition they referred to as "retention". I have been dealing with this for almost two weeks, never really voiding my bladder and when I had the urge to go, sometimes every 10 minutes, it was never in a stream but drop by drop. was time to take a look inside and see what is going on. Doc told me we could do it now or set up a time at the hospital under anesthesia. Straddling the line between courage and being crazy, I opted to do it now, in the office. A "Cystiscope" was used to go in through my penis, along the urethra and into the bladder. It only took a few seconds for the doc to see that scar tissue had developed from the surgery and had constricted the opening in my bladder that allows a normal flow and elimination. That scar tissue had to be stretched. My eyes were closed so I didn't see it all but Brenda was and did see it and said three tube like devices were inserted, each one bigger than the previous and was very uncomfortable! Good news is, when I stood up and gathered myself, I did pee..ALOT. It felt so good. I am on anti-biotics again, on a drug that should lessen the growth of scar tissue and a pill that should help heal the irritation and discomfort caused by the procedure....and it makes my pee a pretty shade of blue/green! This morning I am sore and peeing does seem to cause some discomfort, burning for about 15-30 minutes. I will have to go in again in a month to take another look and see if the scar tissue growth has closed the opening in my bladder. This time...I HAVE VALIUM !!! Bad news is the scar tissue may be a problem for life, good news is, I am better today that I have been in more than two weeks. Once again, Doctor Polsky and Nicole took good care of me and they make me feel "special". Most every procedure I have had has been less than pleasant (understatement?) but the Doctor and Nicole have made it as easy as it could be...I feel blessed to have them taking care of me. Nicole has always been respectful and considerate of me and preserved my dignity to the greatest extent possible for what had to be done...."Thanks Nicole, you're the best!"

On another note, yesterday I spoke with Anne from L.N.U., Mooresville office. Next week I will be attending a meeting of a support group of those affected by prostate cancer. I am so looking forward to it and working with other men and families.

My left hand. I think it is better and I attribute it to being back to work. There are still some issues with numbness but is so much better than a month ago. I am confident it will continue to get better and stronger in time.

Looks like a rainy day....I suspect a nap or two and catching up on my recorded shows is in my immediate future?

Thank you all again for your prayers and concerns. I Love You ALL !


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Morning....Feb 15th

Friends and Family,

Hope you have all had a good weekend and didnt forget to send your "sweetie" a Valentine's Day card yesterday? My weekend has been OK, quietly spent at the beach with a special treat of having Moma and Daddy and Uncle Gordon coming and having dinner with us. It was great.

On the health front tho, things still aren't quite as good as I was hoping they would be. Phone convo's with the doc's office have left me with instructions to see if the meds are going to work. Well, they aint working yet !! If you would set your clock to go off about every 15 minutes for you to go pee, no matter where you are or what you are doing during your awake time and then set it for every 60-75 minutes of your sleep time, to get up and go pee....each time with little more than a dribble.....YOU WOULD KNOW HOW I FEEL ! It has been awful. I am not in any severe pain, though it is uncomfortable. We, me and the docs, are stumped about it. My urine culture shows no bacteria so it remains a mystery. I say all this, not to foster any pity or sympathy but to let others who may have this particular post surgery condition, I can relate!
I have an appointment of Tuesday to see Doc Polsky and hopefully we can find some kind of solution to this problem. You know how I love to "self-diagnose". I have thought of diet, meds interacting and even wondering if tub baths may have caused something to remains a mystery? One thing I do know for sure......God has already figured it out and when He is good and ready, he'll let me know and it'll all be OK again. In the mean time, I will celebrate that I am cancer free and I am in a much better place than I was 3 months ago! WoooHooo!!

Time to go for now..gotta pee again. Thank you for your prayers, I love you ALL.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Things that make you say..."Hmmmmm"?

Friends and Family,

Hope all is well in all your worlds. I for one can say, life is pretty good, not perfect but pretty good. Well, I went back to the doc on Monday for a little check and see what's going on with this not being able to pee like I should. We took another culture. There are no visible signs, I dont have any pain to speak of, I just have to go and go and go and there is very little output. So, the nurse called yesterday and said the culture revealed NO BACTERIA, so ~~ NO INFECTION !
Hmmmm... so what can it be I asked? They are not sure either. The suggestion now is that I have had some kind of bladder irritant in my diet, i.e. orange juice, coffee, spicy food. Yes, I did have some O.J. last week and coffee has been a part of my daily life every morning and no, I have not had any really spicy foods lately. So, I reckon I will be pouring down the water and hoping and praying it will wash away the bad stuff and get me heading back to normal again.
I am a "self diagnoser" and can come up with lots of possible causes for what ails me at the time but this one has me stumped. Brenda tells me I a freaking out over possibilities that I do not know will happen.....I say "I have a right to get just a little freaked out with all the stuff I have dealt with"! The road to ....... good intentions.....quack, quack, quack!

Time to get going. I am back among the working class again (and so happy). Today is the 3 month anniversary of my surgery and more importantly, 3 months of being cancer free. I will forever be greatful to my friend Dr. Polsky and his staff, the wonderful care givers at LNRMH, my awesome friends and family and for YOU and the many prayer that lifted me and my family up so often over these past 3 month. I love you ALL and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Til next time, with hopefully some better news about the peeing thang....take care of yourselves and each other, pray for our children and our churches, know that God can do ANYTHING. Tell someone you love them.

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me Mike

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Friends and Family,

I sit here looking out the window and it is an absolutely beautiful day! I know I have so much to be thankful for. And with that lead in, let me say I am sorry for my little whine fest in the last posting. It was not a good day and having an "accident" knocked alot of the wind out of my sail. Good news is....I'M OVER IT ! I still have something going on, not sure but suspect the U.T.I. is not better yet. I get the urge to go expecting a dam to break and it is more like when you cut the shower off and those few last drop come down. It is very frustrating but I dont hurt anywhere and nothing is blocked cause I can still pee....even if only a very tiny bit at a time.

Not very enjoyable reading today but "it is what it is". I have not heard from the nurse from the practice re: the support group but suspect I will this coming week....I am very excited about that.

Sunday school class is coming over tonight so I need to get some "stuff" ready. Have a great weekend. Thanks for your prayers, please dont stop. I love you ALL

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me


Thursday, February 5, 2009

A first ....and hopefully a LAST !


Hope everyone is well and staying warm (if you live in the Charlotte metro area). It was a very cold morning. I worked again today. We got a late start hoping things would warm up some and they did eventually. About an hour into working I realized I had wet through my underwear, my long johns and my overalls. I couldn't believe it !! I had already called the doc earlier in the day and now I have wet my clothes. So, the doc calls, wants me to get some VESICARE and begin taking it. I told the bosss I needed to go to the docs and that I had wet myself too. I was embarrassed and yep, I got emotional. Anyway, I got to the doc's office and they wanted to do a bladder scan to see if I am emptying my bladder. I provided the usual sample (a very small one) and she did the ultra sound scan. It showed that I had in fact emptied my bladder - this is good news. So, now the VESICARE will help with urgency and frequency and the leakage issue. I am thinking it could be linked to the infection I am treating with antibiotics? Anyway, it was not a good day but I am working and I am warm and full and tomorrow will hopefully be better. I am not gonna have (too big of) a pity party but remain hopeful tomorrow is gonna be a better day...enuf said!!

Thank to all of you for your prayers and concern. I love you ALL....

"Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me"


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A New Month and it's snowing again....


Hello! Yes, another snow day in the "Queen City" and man-o-man is it cold outside today.

Life continues to get better everyday. I went back to work on Monday morning. Did some ground level painting and in the afternoon worked on a well house roof (it was about 4' off the ground). Was a good day and Tuesday after our bible study/breakfast I went back to that site and finished it up and.....before the day was over I was on the roof -- MY CHOICE! I will say the guys have all been very mindful of my limitations and helpful in any way they can be.

I told you in the last posting that I have another infection somewhere that showed up in a urinalysis. I am on an antibiotic but I am not sure it is improving like I think it should. I have not had any blood in my urine no pain but I am having some urgency issues like I need to go bad and when I go it is very little. I will be talking to the doc about that again when I see him again.

Little birds are telling me that some of my faithful readers find it sometimes difficult to read this when I get really "frank" and "explicit", especially when it is discussion of erectile function. All I can say (and I mean SAY) is ..."it is what it is". I would say the drug regimen (Viagra 100mg) is helping with blood flow, nerve conduction and functional regeneration. I am not where I was pre-surgery nor where I plan to be in 3 or 6 or 12 months from now.

Some exciting new for me today, atleast I think it is very exciting. I was called by one of the staff from Lake Norman Urology in Mooresville. She had spoken with Nicole from the Huntersville office that I most often visit. She serves as somewhat of a liason or coordinator for a prostate cancer support group, I would guess mostly patients of the practicing physicians of L.N.U.? She has heard of some of the things I have done and about this blog and has asked me to become involved in "energizing" this support group. Needless to say, I was quick to say "yes" and can hardly wait to hear more about it. My mission is to inform as many men and their families of what can be done to fight this disease, available treatment plans, pre and post surgery counselling and help them get through some of the trial associated with the diagnosis, treatment and recovery from prostate cancer.
Over 25,000 men....husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, nephews and friends died of prostate cancer last year. Education in my opinion is the most effective tool in fighting any disease including prostate cancer. I want to do my part....I was given my life back and now I want to give something back!

I will get off my soap box now.....sorry.

Was a cold day with snow on the ground, it's gonna be a cold night tonight too. Please pray for those who are homeless and have no warm place to sleep, no warm meal or no one to say that they really do matter. Pray for our children, pray for our leaders, pray for each other. I love you all and count it a priviledge that you will take this time on your journey with me......

Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me........................ Mike

Sunday, February 1, 2009

January 31, 2009

Friends and Family,

Well, January is gone! Will be spring and then summer and then back in the cold again before we know it. Aren't you glad we have that promise to depend on?

Went back to doc on last week with the expectation that all is well.....found out Thursday is not ALL quite well. Seems I have an infection detected in my urinalysis and am back on anti-biotics again. With all the other A/B's I have been on I am surprised any kinda bugs could live inside me. Guess we'll know if we got it in about two more weeks?

I think I am getting stronger and better each day. Went without a pad for a few hours at home yesterday and had not leakage issues. I am being very diligent about doing my kagel exercises. The viagra is giving me some promising results so far but is not nearly where I was before surgery. And on that subject.....this subject was brought up recently on my visit to Momma and Daddy's oddly enough. Contrary to the belief left in our minds from TV commercials, viagra does not miraculously create an erection or one that automatically last for four hours. Medications are part of the big picture and all the other "stuff" associated with excitation and arousal has to be in place too. My pill time is at night before bed and SLEEP. Got any more questions about this drug, consult your doctor, your pharmacist or ask me and I will tell you what I know from personal experience and research!

Hand may be a tiny bit trying really hard to block it out. I am hopeful I can return to work this week without any issues.

S'all for now I think. Thanks again for all your prayer...I love you ALL


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There's no place like Home...Momma and Daddy's that is


Sending this update from the office in Momma and Daddy's home in Cedar Fork, near Beulaville, in Duplin County, North Carolina. Got in yesterday (flew in) and have had such a wonderful time visiting with them and many others in the community, I have decided to stay one more day. I am thinking it is a good thing as the wind is really bad today and flying was going to be an adventure.

I was a tiny bit concerned about how flying may affect me and if there would be any issues with leakage associated with the "ups and downs" of flying. I am happy to report..all's well on that front. I did rush off the plane to to the restroom but that is not so unusual these days.

I learned of a friend in town who has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and he is weighing his options and deciding what his treatment plan is going to be. Daddy made a call and we got a chance to get together face-to-face for some time and exchanged some information. I will be praying for Kenny to make the right choice and that he too will come out on the other side a "cancer free" man with a mission to tell others about his experiences.

Think some visits are planned tonight and I can hardly wait. Think I heard something about some fried chicken too?

Things are getting back to normal in my life, a place a longed for just a few short weeks ago. Every brother who faces this disease and treatment, every family member who will walk with them every step can believe that their IS life after prostate cancer. Educate yourself, believe in the doctors you chose and trust GOD to restore you.....IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE !

I Love You ALL.....and.... Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on ME MR

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 the circle closes


Yes, the circle is closing, metaphorically speaking of course. I am almost back to where I started almost 3 months ago, EXCEPT THAT NOW I AM CANCER FREE. Saw Doc Polsky yesterday and he is very pleased with how I am doing, says I am "ahead of the curve". I can do anything that I feel able to do now....YEEE HAAA !! Means I can go back to work next week too. I am very excited about that (not as excited as Brenda). I continue to do my kagel (sp) exercises, about 200 a day and he increase the dosage of Viagra to 100 mg every other day. I should see an difference in my ability to produce and maintain an erection. That too remains to be seen. I see him again in 5 weeks and if there is no significant improvement, other options are available. We can talk about that later I reckon when I do some more research. Don't know if the average person knows but Viagra is a drug that is very expensive. I did not know if my insurance was going to cover the cost of it and many insurance companies, if they do cover it, will only allow for 3 to 6 pills to be distributed at one time. Well, when I asked the nice ladies at Walgreens to check it out for me, I can get 15 at one time, just as the doc wrote the script and my co-pay is $25. That my friends is less than the cost of one pill at normal retail prices( $30+).

God continue to work in many and mysterious ways in my life. I say that with a bit of surprise in my voice...when I am ever gonna get over that and realize that is not out of the ordinary for God, it is just what He does!

I'm off to see my Momma and Daddy today, flying in today and back home tomorrow. Haven't seen them in so long and this is a good time since the doc has said I have no limitations and I go back to work next week. I'm sure I will tell you all about that. I expect a ton of questions from my folks and friends back home ~ and I am more than happy to tell 'em how it is for me.

Thanks for your love and prayers and support. I told Preacher Rick yesterday, I have experience so much love from my family of friends in my church and community. I am humbled by it every day. Pray for our nations, pray for your friends, for the sick and hurting and the homeless and helpless. Pray for our children and for each other...please keep me in your prayers.
I love you ALL......


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yaaa! No more surgery (yet)


Yes, went to the doc of Friday and he said he wants to see if my hand will get better on it's on. There is some nerve damage and it does need to be corrected but sometimes the body can correct itself and that is our plan for now. Yes, it does still hurt, yes, my fingers are numb and tingly and yes, I still take percoset when it is bad. So, for now I am gonna try to keep from bending that arm unnecessarily and hope it will heal itself.

Was a good weekend with the grandchildren here. We played Wii for most of their waking hours too. I have a suspect one may appear at their home if they make many more visits here and are as in love with it as they were this weekend.

Tomorrow is back to doc Polsky. I hope he is gonna give me the thumbs up to go back to work. Spoke with Jerry on Saturday night and we are planning for me to get back on the job the Monday after Superbowl, think it is the 2nd? So, say a prayer tomorrow for things to go well and I will be sure to let everyone know what my status is.

Thanks for your love and prayers. I love you all so much and your prayers have made such a big difference in my life. And most of all...Thank You Lord For Your Blessings on Me.
